Welp, I haven't made a blog all month, but I suppose I must make one every month just to show I'm up to shit n things, so here's this blog with not much of anything.My ex got me to draw her uber crush, RDJ. So I did this. I didn't get a couple things right, but I said fuckdat and just finished it as is.ref: http://i5.minus.com/ib1qj7X1rdOCjC.pngI've managed to get my hands on a new deck too, another Kr00ked. I think I'll stick with this brand whenever possible cause they just last foreverrrr and the pop does too. In turn, I get to keep my tricks more often than losing em due to the board going to shit.I got this one.The shit glows in the dark and it's sexy as hell.Of course I also designed the grip, it's just become a norm now to do the grip up with some crazy design. Gets peoples heads turning.It's not entirely finished yet, but this is a good 2 hours worth of work right now. I dunno if I should leave the red part as is, or fill it all the way in, cause right now I like the Wu-Tang look of it.As for my comic? Not much progress seeing as though I'm taking summer semester classes and I didn't do much all month anyway. I did figure out how I want to design the world, and I'm leaning on a kind of modern but near-future take on the Vietnam War era.We have come to terms.
Loving the drawing! The hair looks great!
I like the grip design too, I think you're right about leaving it as it is. It looks pretty neat!