Mexican Sun

Posted by Eva unit-01 on June 14, 2013, 9:24 p.m.

Leaving arts and music here :3

But before I begin, here's a little meat.

About a week ago, I made a tough call regarding my ex. We were never really quite split up, we were still -together- in some twisted sense. Keep in mind we broke up somewhere early September 2012– it was a bad 'break up', and that was mostly my fault for reasons I've already blogged about.

So to sum things up, we've been really close, doing the things a couple in a relationship would do, at least acting like it. But it never quite felt at home with me. It felt like I was living in the past surrounded by memories that were gone, and I could only accept them for what they were.

I really only wanted to love her the way I used to, and I couldn't, yet she wanted us to be much more than friends, which we were for almost 8 months. It fucked with my head and emotions, and I couldn't take it much longer, so eventually I had to make a tough decision. I had to get out of it, break connections, but only certain ones as to not completely sever our relationship as fucking GREAT friends.

Well, I told her my situation as best I could, and she couldn't grasp what I was telling her. Long story short, she decided to completely throw me out the window and never talk to me again without us every coming to an understanding. I couldn't even check up and ask her if she was okay, but I saw her around the usual places I saw her, acting like nothing happened, but I knew all too well what was going through her head. But I knew she'd sever everything, I mean -everything- before she let herself breathe and actually SEE what I was trying to tell her. In essence, she abandoned me when I had no means to ever do that, EVER.

I had to get out of a poisonous situation for me, and she would have all or nothing. Selfish of me? Probably, but I believe you are allowed to do something for yourself once in a while after you've lived in the conditions for almost a whole year.

Now here's art!

Doodles I'll never finish~

My favorite OC and the characters of my old game project Psycho Place. I may do a comic around these guys as I've planned to for years.

Grifter … fanart? I don't know a thing about the guy other than he looks awesome.

I got lazy on the coloring cause I hate coloring.

So here's the ink.

So I decided to say fuck that, if we're going to never talk to each other again, we both need closure, and if she's not going to be the one to have the balls to do it, I damn sure am. I caught up with her on a public drawing board we always go to– she goes there more often. I signed in as a guest, and so did she. I knew it was her because of her drawing style, and she knew it was me because I had made that obvious by what I was drawing. I told her "y'know, we don'y have to hide ;D."

She agreed to talk on Skype after I had politely asked for a bit of her time. I said I only wanted to ask one question.


"Why what?"

"Why throw me out like that? I'd have never done that to you."

This went into a long conversation basically boiling down to me telling her to make a choice; either tell me she never wants to hear from me again, or give us the opportunity to fix this mess.

Another long story short, we've been talking again, and everything's pretty much back to how it was. We may even get back together, who knows.

Yayyyy happy ending! Enjoy the arts.


JuurianChi 11 years, 8 months ago


I was forced into a having a conversation with my ex a few days ago.

It was boring as hell, but it seemed like she had grown up a bit since I had last talked to her which was cool I guess.

We're NOT getting back together.

But hey, a dialog and possibly getting back together.

Not bad, mate.

pounce4evur 11 years, 8 months ago

Sweet doodles. I was just checking out your stuff on DA this morning. Pretty awesome stuff, man.

As for the whole ex situation, I'm sure you've heard enough about my infamous break up. But what kept causing us problems was the fact that neither of us ever received closure, or just continued missing each other because of misunderstandings until we finally caved in and spoke again.

Long story short, I've had my fair share of problems with the whole closure bit. Glad that it works for anyone at all. I had convinced myself that the whole idea is bogus.

Anyway, I hope you two will get back together–hanging in limbo like that is no fun.

Unless I'm under the correct assumption that you really are doing things people in relationships usually do ;D

Eva unit-01 11 years, 8 months ago

@Juurian: Thanks man, everything so far has turned out exceedingly well surprisingly, and my only hope now is that it stays that way.

@Pounce: Haha, thanks. If only I had more to show. It's just been a slow month. And yea, I remember that whole ordeal :c Unfortunate how it went down, but I guess that's just how things are sometimes yknow?

In light news, we did end up back together, and everything thus far is running like clockwork, if not better than before. But right now it's too early to tell how the big picture is going to turn out, but I'm really happy and motivated tbh. I haven't felt this way in a long time. Feels good, man.

Apparently what we had for each other never really left.. just.. we had a lot of emotional misunderstandings and barriers to overcome first. Lots of unanswered questions that took time to unearth.

Iasper 11 years, 8 months ago

Your title reminded me of this:

Nice doodles by the way. The Psycho Place characters look interesting.