It's Wack

Posted by Eva unit-01 on Oct. 16, 2013, 6:23 a.m.

Just making up for the lack of art in my prior blog, so here's this stuff.

As for adding in extra content, I bought a bunch of comics a few days ago which is probably what sparked me to get to work on comic practices for some reason. Whatever the exact reason, I know the spark won't last very long so… best to just get the inspiration and go.

Most of what I got were Batman comics, but I did get Spawn #228, though only for the cover and because it was the only issue they had there :c. I don't know if I just haven't adjusted to Jim Downing yet, or he's just a bad Spawn, cause Al Simmons was just… the only Spawn for me, I guess.

I also got Batman: Death of The Family #15, the one with the awesome New 52 joker die-cut. I walked around in the shop for so long looking for that :/

I also got this Marvel Noir: Iron Man comic, issue #4 (the last one) of his Marvel Noir series. It's pretty different, and I actually really liked it having taken a leap of faith on it.

But yea, as for my own comic that I announced some time ago? I've been… working on it… a bit. I never did come to a final character design or a final of anything for that matter, so it still has a loooong ways to go and chances are it'll never see daylight. The idea hasn't left my mind yet though.

Also, referring to my last blog– I'm really happy with the temperatures I'm seeing so far. Crysis 2 with the MalDoh 2.0 mod and running on ultra settings doesn't push my CPU past 80C, neither does Crysis3, and I've been -pushing- the system to see if I can get past that 80C mark, but it's been putting in work. So yea, cool.

Anyways, enjoy a less cluttered blog, if you will. And I'll catch things up in another month or so again.



Alert Games 11 years, 4 months ago

I just want to take your artwork and put them in games or interactive screens or webpages or something dude……..

cool blog, not into comics as much, but humorous comics are good haha

Eva unit-01 11 years, 4 months ago

Lol, thanks, I've really been trying to get in the flow of personal work ever since school has raped my creativity out.

Streaming a new one here: [ ]

Update: Stream is done, went on for 3 hours and 30 minutes, lol. I'll upload the results in another blog.

JuurianChi 11 years, 4 months ago


Death of the Family was so good until the end.

It's like the writer was sending a subliminal message-


And he was right.

Eva unit-01 11 years, 4 months ago

Yea I've heard, but I haven't gotten to the end, even though I've kinda spoiled it for myself what with keeping an eye on Capullo's work, lol.

Streaming again: []


svf 11 years, 4 months ago

Love your art, you should make a commercial comic (kickstarter maybe?)

I'd definitely be on board of support a full length-comic series (web-series perhaps)