Softbody Physics Done

Posted by Evilish on Nov. 16, 2006, 2:33 a.m.

Well, mostly at least, I still tweak it a bit to try to make it better.

Download it

^It's not completely done, and the spinning is just a test

If it lag's on your computer, try turning the norm_dist and vertexs variables down.

So yeah, it's pretty fun to muck around with, everytime I open GM up to work on Stealthed I get stuck playing this.


Is coming along pretty well, I've made items and weight restrictions(some of the better items are alot heavier), it's also cool because storing what items each person has takes up alot less space then a normal way of storing it.

Anyway, I was wondering what people would want to have in the stealth game, tank items can be put in now as well so some cool stuff could be done(like having hovering tanks for moving over water).

My Life

Has been fun lately, I get to go to the city tomorrow for a robotics excursion(lame excuse for a day off to visit the city), then I get to visit the city again to meet up with my girlfriend(and hopefully, go to the Wii expo).

My friend recently has discovered the magical fun that is the sexy losers comic's, I read pretty much all of them too while burning them for her.


OL 18 years, 3 months ago

Heh the softbody phyisics is very cool. Try 20 vertexes instead of 50, it runs much smoother and the effect is just as good, if not better in my opinion!

foslock 18 years, 3 months ago

Whoa, that thing is VERY cool indeed… reminds me of that game Gish.

Great job on that.

Cesar 18 years, 3 months ago

heh, awesome, so you did make it

Kaz 18 years, 3 months ago

How do you stop the default spinning?

aeron 18 years, 3 months ago

Wow. And everyone said this was impossible! Good job!

GearGOD 18 years, 3 months ago

You should do this with GMphysics and have it run at actually playable speeds. Although truth be told, I never pulled off a proper soft ball in gmphysics because either one of the many bugs was preventing me or I was doing something wrong. The idea is to have a central mass surrounded by smaller masses attached to the central one by springs and each other by springs, and then have another outter layer of more masses interconnected with the inner layer by springs. That's how Gish worked, too.