-E- 128Digits

Posted by Evilish on Sept. 12, 2008, 1:35 a.m.

Shit man, 8891 hacked accounts


Sad to say that I haven't actually gotten a chance at all lately to program any games, I've almost forgotten parts of my C++ game. (which will be bad, because I hate coding in a project I don't know 100%)

But hey, website programming, thats all different. infact I may even start to get slightly larger text to show off my latest web creation. But I can't, my actual latest creation isn't finished, but I guess then I'm technically talking about my latest finished creation. Which has earned an all new URL so that people can more easily remember it


It's a site filled with awesome funny and pron.

Mostly pron.

You know I just went to type pron and I accidentally spelt it wrong and typed porn? What a dick.

So checkout my site, or I may have to kill you.


About 3 weeks ago my bike got stolen from school. Was bad times, had to walk home and they had no video footage of who stole it (cameras just slightly pointed out of that direction). Today I got to school, parked up my spare bike (step dads bike), and found to my surprise that my bike was also there, locked up and slightly alterated.

Yah, they figured if they took the brand stickers off it it'd totally appear different, that and those awesome pegs are gone.

Contacted assistant principal, he cut the lock and now I have my bike back.

.:128 Digits:.

so me and Rawrspoon have been talking about it for awhile now. Seeing as I coded the whole Noxequa site in about a week and a half (not counting debug time), he though I should go and build an all new 64D, bypassing v3.

Because v3 is a lie.

Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Dick?


Omega_Squid 16 years, 4 months ago

128digits is for meh. Check my project page…seriously, lol