-E- owwwwww

Posted by Evilish on Sept. 16, 2008, 6:39 a.m.

9068 accounts, even in my condition I'm on a roll

.:Oh noes robbed:.

I was walking home today when I got attacked by a group of 5 Maury guys walked up to me and started threatening me to hand over my bike, saying it was theres and I stole it. Bad shit ensured, I didn't hand over the bike, I got punched in the back of the head (just above the left ear) and somewhere near my jaw (I can't really remember). They then took the bike and I ran off to a friends house to call some people.


They did somewhat have reason to want the bike in all honesty. 3 weeks ago my bike was stolen from school, last thursday it showed up again miraculously at school locked up and slightly altered to look different (still had my name engraved in the chassis). Turns out the guy bought it off the person who stole it, and had no idea it was mine, so when I got the assistant principal to take off it's lock and give it back to me he thought I had stolen it.

Meh, still a shit day, my jaw hurts.


Seriousely, theres been quite some progress on it, seeing as I had that lil accident today and lots of other shit has happened recently. The frontpage now nicely shows 12 games at a time, complete with AJAX scripting to flip through things like latest games, staff picks, and random.

Also, because 128D supports stylesheets… For now it's gonna be mimicking 64D's current style, I'll update with any new style when I feel like it.

On that note, look at this

64Digits tables

Each one of those coloured rectangles is a table cell element…

Wtf use div's.

Ah yeah okay, time for me to talk about some more features planned to be implemented.

Team management. You can create a team and hire as many team members as you like. Each time will get a CVS-ground, an area where they can upload files as if they were all one member, each person can delete, edit or create new files (according to permissions the team leader can set). Each member may 'rent' out a project file, meaning he's been dedicated to work on that file, and no one else may download and edit it until he is done (this prevents extra coding when having to recode features back into a project). Of course theres a whole lot of other things I could probably go on about right now for that, but meh, don't feel like it.

Oh and I've written a working PHP CVS before, it really won't take that long.

Second idea is an Articles section. Structured similarly to blogs but in a completely separate part of the site, they'll talk about news of game concepts and implementations, think of it as the rough equivalent of any well written tutorial in GMC's FAQ's and tutorials section. (the very few rare ones). Articles can be submitted by any member and then they are reviewed and approved by staff.

Ontop of that, I for some reason got another idea, you get a percentage bar of how much 'ownership' you have over the entire articles archive. This is basically determined by how many views each of your articles has compared to the total views of all articles. I think it'll add some concept of reward for submitting an article. I'd love to take over 75% of the archive.

Frontpage blogs will have a small status light indicator next to them showing whether their has been a new comment or edit since you originally viewed that blog. Frontpage blogs only guys, as soon as it goes off you won't be able to see that.

1024 width, how many people say they still have 800x600 displays? It lets me fit in 12 (if I use 3 rows instead of 64D) game previews at 200x80 resolution.

Eh, that was all the ideas I got for now, I have a legit reason now for a headache


Evilish 16 years, 5 months ago

*hugs firestormx*

It's okay, I barely mean whatever the hell I'm saying.