-E- super phoenix

Posted by Evilish on Sept. 17, 2008, 8:31 a.m.

blog slightly edited, see pic

Yo bro', why you so happy?

on deviantart bro, Tahlee's got 1.35 favorites for every file shes submitted. I've got 3.4 bro

Awesome bro, thats some l33t hackin bro

Ain't no hacking bro

.:My bikes:.

Got it back today, the guy came up and apologized on his own, he found my engraving on the bottom of my bike and then he sussed things out a lil with the guy he bought it off and found it really was stolen off me. Meh no problems, if I'd seen him riding on the street with my bike I probably would of done the same.

.:Oh noes new feature ideas:.

So I had some new feature ideas for 128D (for now idk, codename?)

While having the default skin everyone starts off with (currently set to 'Nostalgic'), users can then change it to anyone currently in the skinbase, or create their own by designating images and CSS. Then you can go further plant your skin on your blog pages, meaning whenever anyone views that page they'll see it the way you want them too. Consider it a 'on-steroids' equivalent of 64D's User page preferences.

Now the common layout is about 75% done, after that I'll get to coding each individual page. For now though he's a lil screenshot of how it's gonna look (page is real, but only the news post is generated HTML)

Oh and it's 1024px wide

Incase people don't like the v2 theme

I call the skin, "Nostalgia". Whats obviously note done is the top panel, and some fancier display for those links just above the games.

I'm also working on porting over the BBcode from Noxequa, hopefully GearGOD won't find any flaws in it. It supports all your standard BBcode stuff, Noxequa thumb tags and youtube videos.

Now I really should be studying for the SAC tests I've got tomorrow, but meh, I looked over some of the maths stuff for like 8 minutes and picked up the things I'd probably need.


F1ak3r 16 years, 5 months ago

Nice. I'm especially excited about the article feature, that sounds like a really cool idea.

biggoron 16 years, 5 months ago

Oh and it's 1024px wide
I'm sold.

It's extremely frustrating to have so many redundant pixels.

PY 16 years, 5 months ago

Way too many new games, makes it look cluttered.

Apart from that: :D :D :D

(Oh, and I'd have a privs based system for things like custom layouts - for while a lot of the pheonix privs stuff was elitist bullshit, looking back, you don't want people signing up and covering their page with goatse :)

flashback 16 years, 5 months ago

Yaaaay wide site.

Bryan 16 years, 5 months ago

Too wide..

PY 16 years, 5 months ago


Arcalyth 16 years, 5 months ago

why the fuck did you copy v2's layout exactly? outdated and you could come up with a way better one that displays more information more efficiently

PY 16 years, 5 months ago

he says v2, not just 64.

he is hiding V3 from us all!

Evilish 16 years, 5 months ago

Yah but I really didn't feel like creating graphics at the time.

As for whether or not you view other peoples skins, I'm probably going to have 3 options a user can have. Only use my skin, view if their skin is approved (and in the skinbase), view their skin.

why the fuck did you copy v2's layout exactly?
Because I already finished copying v3's layout exactly.

PY 16 years, 5 months ago

oooooooooh, BURN