Lighting your hand on fire

Posted by Evilish on Oct. 14, 2006, 9:30 a.m.

Lemme talk to you a bit about some interesting stories from my school.

Few days ago on Thursday, me and my friends were getting bored waiting for a bus so we could go to Monash. One of them decided to spray there hand until it was almost completely soaked, in lynx. They just scuttled into somewhere dark then and lit there hand on fire, it makes a cool flame for a second or two and then will start to really burn if you don't put it out… Don't try that at home kiddies, unless your someone I hate, in which case… try to light your face on fire.

Speaking of faces, a lil longer ago my friend James over at a friends with other people. Now the kid who lives there is a wee bit of a psycho at times, knows almost every face about lost, collects V bottles, and once tried to attack a wall in class simple because he thought it was a secret pathway.

So everyone was in the backyard, out comes nick with a V bottle, only this bottle is filled with petrol and he basically turned it into a Molotov cocktail. He kicked it at the group of people and well… James was the only one not to notice(He's been hit in the head with a piece of metal before and not noticed until his head was covered in blood). It hit James on his back, set his entire body on fire for about 10 seconds before they could get it out. I still laugh at him about it, and made a cheat dedicated to him called 'gibbyonfire'… ah…

My trip to Monash pretty much sucked, the free food was nice and the man that sounded like Mr Mackay was fun, but overall Monash doesn't have any courses I want, so meh to them…

Suck as well, because their campus is so, so much closer then the ones I want to go to in the city

I haven't seen my girlfriend Sarah for awhile now… or Tahlee… now if I was really paranoid I would probably think they've become lesbians and gone out with each other…

Wait… I already called Tahlee a lesbian, and I've been calling Sarah a lesbian for months… meh

Anyway, also submitted Ack-Cel TBS Core(again… damn errors-ness), so it should be up soon.

Also playin some more FFTA now, my Marche pwns all other characters.


Evilish 18 years, 3 months ago

Are you talking about the Peninsula campus?

Quote: SpenSer.45
Wait, wait, wait… You said Nick came out with a V bottle, lit it and kicked it at some people, but didn't notice? Either I'm confused, or there's two Nicks here.

I meant as in, James didn't notice it flying towards him…

GearGOD 18 years, 3 months ago

Are you talking about the Peninsula campus?
Yes, in my narrow-mindedness, I forgot that Monash has a number of campuses including an overseas one. No I wasn't. I have a friend who studied there though.