About Time...

Posted by Extravisual on Feb. 7, 2007, 6:56 p.m.

… For a blog!

Although it may seem like I was inactive for quite a while, I have always been hanging around… I just have not been posting because I wanted to keep my 666 postcount for as long as possible, I broke my 666 poscount in C-Ator's blog, so you all should be worshiping me.

Oh, I just realized that my 666th post had earned me the ludabadge… Earned it at the expense of Arcalyth, who has cheated me out of a badge once… We seem to be even now.

Pink Eye sucks.

For the past four days I have been sick. Just a cold, nothing bad… Until 2 days ago, when the sickness gave me something that felt like strep throat, but apparently wasn't. Yesterday however, this sickness managed to spread to my eye, giving me a highly contagious case of Pink Eye, which this morning spread from one eye to the other, now I have dual-Pink Eye, and it is extremely annoying.

Below in white is a bunch of text with me letting off steam about my computer rather violently. Young readers should not highlight the text below.

[rant]<font color=white>I hate my fucking computer. It has to be the slowest, crappiest computer to ever run Windows "Shitty" XP. Would you like to know how fucking shitty this computer is? If you are highlighting this text you must.


1.1 GHz Intel Celeron (Crapperon)

128 Megs of extremely stubborn RAM

32 Megabyte Intel Shit video card

20 Gigs of memory. 15 gigabytes of this memory has seemingly vanished.

I really want, no, <i>NEED</i> a new computer. I have no source of money and can't seem to find one, and my mom is extremely cheap and only buys what is on sale from Dell for 300 fucking dollars. Not to mention that she won't even get anything but 9 dollar per month dial-up.

Daily I get the urge to rip open my computer, find the power cord plug on the inside, and stick my fingers into it, nullifying both me and the computer at the same time. Damn, this computer makes me want to end life right now.</font>[/rant]

Meh, not as violent as I expected, maybe that's because I am learning to love my computer, but probably not.

I have been home sick for three days, therefore I am bored to tears. I really want to play KotOR, but my computer won't have it. Damn I miss that game…

My GMness has evaporated. I still remember coding, but the knowledge is useless because I haven't so much as started up GM in multiple weeks. I really want to make a 2D RPG with KotOR type gameplay based around The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, but I have trouble with motivation and spriting.

Alas, I am out of things to say– I shall leave this blog with one final statement for the geniuses among us to contemplate:

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?


basilamer 18 years ago

Hali's back! w00t!

OBELISK 18 years ago


Polystyrene Man 18 years ago

Guess what? You have almost the exact same specs as me. The only difference is that my computer has a 40GB hard drive.

But I'm getting a new one in less than a month [:)]

DesertFox 18 years ago

The ending question? Infinite if it is… CHUCK NORRIS

Quote: MSN
Andes says:

let us turn it into a slightly perverted question

Amorpheous Teh Fox says:


Andes says:

How much wood would a wood chuck fuck if a wood chuck could fuck wood?

Andes says:

eh never mind, change that to extremely perverted question

Kenon 18 years ago


Your computer sucks. My toilet is a better computer than yours!

Acid 18 years ago

Woot! Hali is back.

[false statement]BTW a wood chuck would chuck 2.5 times it's body weight. [/false statement]

Arcalyth 18 years ago

Earned it at the expense of Arcalyth, who has cheated me out of a badge once… We seem to be even now.

Vice-versa. XD

It was the modreator badge.

Kaz 18 years ago

Mine was worse, and I lived with it for 5 years. So STFU.

Extravisual 18 years ago

I have been living with this computer for six years.

Rob 18 years ago

300mhz not sure of the brand

64mb ram

16mb video card

1gb hard drive, 20mb left.

Still think you're computer sucks?