A blog, honest to goodness.

Posted by Extravisual on Sept. 5, 2007, 5:53 p.m.

On the front page. A real one. Amazing, no need to tell me about it, really, I know.

But whatever.

A few days ago, maybe a week, I started school. I'm not going to go into all that end of summer regret bullshit, I'm not regretting the end of summer, summer is boring and I couldn't have gotten anything more done than I already did–nothing. Thankfully I was able to regain my social standing (hah) in school on day one. As to my status with a girlfriend (a thing which none of you, but the very best, have ever seen), I am capable of obtaining, but refrain from having, and enjoying every minute of it… Not that any of you have much interest, and I don't blame you, I care about you as much as you all care about me. If you do really care about me, fuck off, creep.

But whatever, I can't say for sure why I am posting this blog in the first place… I would assume it's out of a subtle boredom lingering in the far back of my mind. I don't know. Perhaps I ought to do my homework, but I'm sure you know how much of that I am inclined to do.

My string handling function, after much ado and down-time, has been accepted. Not a big deal, I'm fairly proud of it, but only because I actually finished and/or released it.

Pay no attention to my blog prior to this one, I was pseudoneurologically tripping when I wrote it.

There are, if my calculations are correct (probably not), about 892,080,000 milliseconds until my 16th birthday. Still a ways away, but seems much shorter when talking about it in milliseconds. I couldn't care less if I'm 16 or 15, it's not like I'm going to be driving.

My geometry class is boring, all I learn are the names for various shapes, lines, and other figures. Nothing interesting, my teacher is new to the school and isn't great. I spend my time in that class drawing pictures on the white board that is by my place of seating. Oh, and mathematical snobbery is, well, snobbery. Don't ever boast about your mathematical skill on my blog. Ever.

For any of you who are complete retards and don't know who the character in my avatar is, it's General Pepper from the original Starfox for SNES.

Uh, yeah, I hope this blog looks alright.


Tasm 17 years, 5 months ago

I can recite pi to 500 decimal places LOLZ!!one!!

I agree. Nobody cares about math.

And Starfox owns.

APlusHost 17 years, 5 months ago

I'm taking Geometry and Algebra II at the same time. >_<

Your mental ARC!!

Extravisual 17 years, 5 months ago

Arc: In my school, Algebra 2 and Trig are combined. You can hardly take Algebra 2+Trig and Geometry at the same time.

Kamira 17 years, 5 months ago

Starfox64 pwns. I got all medals on expert mode, and I could easily do it again.

FireflyX 17 years, 5 months ago

btw your 1k badge still says halibutski

Extravisual 17 years, 5 months ago

Firefly: Halibutski is still my name. This is more… Temporary than Halibutski.

Amarin 17 years, 2 months ago

Temporary, eh?

[sees that you still have it]

And General Pepper disappears at a certain point in Starfox: Assault, and is presumed dead because of the magnitude of the event. They find him alive at the end of the game.

Oh, and nobody ever brought this up yet, ironically: