I Still Exist

Posted by Extravisual on March 27, 2008, 9:55 p.m.

I do really. In my perfectly fishy state, I do exist. Just not as much on 64Digits anymore. And unlike all too many others, it's not because I've retrogressed progressed to programming Java. I haven't really progressed at all, actually. I just stopped programming.

So I spent many months without internet due to my mother having taken it away due to bad grades. Just recently though, maybe a month ago, an unintentionally kind neighbor set up a wireless network parallel to my house. Thanks to the beauty of my USB wireless adapter, I am able to get internet better than any I've ever had. A whole two megabits better.

As soon as I was connected, I visited 64digits, and I found that it was in worse condition than I had foreseen. It seems to me that it's in a state of anarchy. I think it was this way before I left as well, I just was blinded by… Blindness then. I had forgotten how much my avatar owned.

I could probably say a few new things that have happened in my life, but I'm a pretty big advocate of separation of Internet life and real life. However, I will mention that my girlfriend cheated on me with three guys at once over last weekend. Amazing, isn't it?

I'm learning to play bass.

That is all.


Amarin 16 years, 11 months ago


No, you don't exist. =P

Yay, bass. Can you record some single notes for me if you ever get a mic?

Cesar 16 years, 11 months ago

why hallo dare last senior member (user with ID <=1000)

great to see you back. Too bad that your girlfriend cheated on you… she deserves to get aids someone who is a fucking prick, like sk8 or chiken! =D

Hopefully you'll stay for a while.

WaleedAmer 16 years, 11 months ago


Nice avatar. :D

You made it, right?

I like the color choice.

RC 16 years, 11 months ago

Never heard of you, you must be before my arrival

s 16 years, 11 months ago

How would you rate yourself on a scale of internet life and real life?

Being blinded by blindness makes no sense you anarchist not seeer

So I take it you wasted my time with that circle dreamcatcher thing or what was that for even?

Snakeman 16 years, 11 months ago

It's good to see you're still alive, Halib.

Quietus 16 years, 11 months ago

Fish ^_^ <3

DesertFox 16 years, 11 months ago

D: George is trying to take over my title!

Extravisual 16 years, 11 months ago

serprex: You have far too long of a memory. I can't even remember what I wanted that thing for.

Leyenda 16 years, 11 months ago

I could probably say a few new things that have happened in my life, but I'm a pretty big advocate of separation of Internet life and real life.
But that's whole reason these blogs exist – to talk about your real life. No one want to hear about your internet life. too boring.

However, I will mention that my girlfriend cheated on me with three guys at once over last weekend.
3 guys at ONCE? !! Kinky.