They were completely and utterly written in the spirit of intense sarcasm. I think people understood that about the first, but I had thought including lines from Rick Astly's "Never Gonna Give You Up" and signing my name as "Sigmund 'Halibutski' Freud" would utterly give the sarcasm away for the more recent blog, I appear to be wrong, as people seem somewhat confused about it. I assume those people hadn't read the blog right before that one. Not sure.
I guess I have to brush up on my old English grammar as well. I never did learn the usage of thee's, thou's, and thy's. Perhaps reading Macbeth for my English class will help my knowledge, although I'm not entirely sure that it's the proper time period. Oh well.On the topic of Macbeth, I'm very unenthusiastic about the reading of it. Last year I read Romeo and Juliet, that about turned me off of Shakespeare completely. I'm much more fond of more recent works of literature, mainly ones not written in any sort of poetic form. On another topic, I started a game, and promptly stopped because I couldn't get what I wanted working. Oh well. I don't know if I've mentioned this in my recent blogs, but my music of choice recently has consisted almost entirely of King Crimson. I have a 10 hour playlist (without Larks' Tongues in Aspic and The Court of the Crimson King) of just them. They are truly the ultimate prog rock band.I've been playing a lot of Unreal Tournament lately. I dunno why, it's pretty fun, nonstop action. Not very deep, but still entertaining. Aside from that, I've been playing Deus Ex. Deus Ex's default DirectX rendering engine works horribly on my deskop, so I went and took a bit of a risk and replaced Deus Ex's D3D DLL with the one from Unreal Tournament (As they both use the Unreal engine). The result is a much faster, better rendering, but flawed, rendering job. I tend to be able to see through thin surfaces and and see far out objects if looking through water, but overall it looks pretty good.There was something else I was going to say, but I forgot what it was. I suppose I'll just end the blog instead.Bemused by the inability for people to pick up on what he thought was obvious sarcasm,-Julius "Halibutski" Caesar
wut r sarkazm?
Interesting tactic with switching Deus Ex's renderer.
I need to listen to more King Crimson.What's this? You have everyone right where you want them and then you reveal that it's all been in the name of sarcasm. Flushing opportunity down the shitter, that's what it's called.
no, he WANTED people to laugh, not to think it's real
Whatever softens the hurt.
Weird, the sarcasm was fairly obvious to me.
Didn't fool me. I'm sharp as a knife. A carving one.
On the topic of Macbeth, I did that a few years back. It was alright. It's better than King Lear, which I'm doing now. Romeo and Juliet is a load of trash. That really put me to sleep and my coursework suffered. :(In the immortal words of my English supply teacher…"HURRAH! MACBETH!"Anyone that didn't see the sarcasm should call for the warranty of their brains, they're broken.
The huge amount of sarcasm confused me.