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Posted by Extravisual on May 12, 2008, 5:47 p.m.

Well, my friend (mentioned in my previous blog) appears to have the best horrible luck I've ever seen. I'll let the source speak for itself:

Hi Grace [My Mother], I was just at the hospital yesterday and spoke to my brother Gary. Little Don [My friend] was showing signs of improvement but he is still at that 50/50 marker. He had some circulation back which is an amazing thing. His blood also had started to coagulate. They found the other source of his internal bleeding, his bladder, but they did not do surgery yet. With his blood starting to coagulate they feel like they need to wait just a bit. The state of his injuries are:

- 2nd and 3rd degree burns over 30 percent of his body, primarily on the lower legs some on his thigh and pelvis area.

- Pelvis/collar bone/legs and they think both elbows broken. He had his helmet on so no brain injury.

- Torn up insides/damage to large/small intestine because of his pelvis, so risk of infection is great.

- Torn spleen (repaired)

- Torn bladder (not yet).

Gary sounded very positive, so every minute he stays a live is a good sign. He is a tough little guy and obviously a fighter. Don [My friend's father] is with him 24 hours. Gary and Blake have been with him as well. Jose (Don's sister) is dating one of the top R's so he called in all the best so Little Don has had the best of the worst luck.

For such a tragic event he is so fortunate, he was hit by an EMT who had another EMT in the truck, a guy raking leaves was a military medic and also had a fire extinguisher near by. Mark [Censored] was here in Seward [My home town] and the life flight made it in record time, they took him to Providence [A hospital in Anchorage] and he had the top surgeons then they transported him to the Native Hospital [Another, lesser hospital I think].

They are not sure exactly what happened but they know that his dog always runs with him so it sounds like the driver was distracted for just a second watching the dog dart across the highway right in front of the drive then hit Little Don, he flew up on to the hood face to face with the driver then was "sucked" so to speak back under the truck and dragged for at least 10 feet and the bike was under the truck for at least 20-25 feet, you can see the tracks on the highway, and the burn mark from the tank. It makes you want to throw up. I'm sorry. It does sound like he is fighting hard and making progress. He may loose part of a leg if the burn damage/bone breakage is too severe. It's too early to tell and it is still touch and go. Send all your good energy to that little man.

I edited that for grammar, reworded it a bit, and added in some notes for clarification. Draw your own conclusions.


Kenon 16 years, 9 months ago

Mark [Censored] was here in Seward [My home town] and the life flight made it in record time
Let's see who this "Mark" is…

Mark Overmars?

Anyways, sucks for him. Alot. Tell him he's got the full backing of an online website called 64digits for a full recovery.

Also. Ironic luck. Very ironic luck. Being hit by a Military truck with an EMT in it lol.

Hmm.. Conspiracy tells me they did this to give themselves work.

Moikle 16 years, 9 months ago

get well soon gary