Oh yeah, this site exists.

Posted by Extravisual on June 16, 2010, 9:43 a.m.

I only ever come here when people link me to blogs and such. I should come here more often, my online social life on Facebook is failing me due to my lack of friends. Try as I might, the people who I attempt to stay connected with are slowly fading away, and I am far too arrogant and set in my ways to find new people. It was hard enough to find those ones, dammit.

Evidence of my continued disconnection from all things community can be seen in my ever decreasing ability to write works of length, while maintaining a steady train of thought and understandable meaning. My practice has gone into writing verbose, albeit fairly short posts. Such as in IM or a Facebook comment. I simply cannot keep my meaning straight and understandable in anything longer than a short paragraph. This annoys me because I am rather critical of others for failing to do this.

On a semi-related note, I've observed an ever growing trend of people failing to use any sort of capitalization and only some punctuation, while retaining an otherwise decent format. Come on people, you're almost there, is it so hard to add a comma here and there? Or to press shift every so often? I won't be so conceited as to claim that my English is perfect, but it annoys me that my vastly imperfect lingual abilities are a huge step up from some of the riffraff I've been seeing. I know people are better than this, why do people who generally best me at just about everything fail at this simple task? I've heard people say that it's cool, but whoever decided that acting stupid was cool should be hanged.

Recently my peers have been graduating from highschool. Apparently the gaining of a certificate signifying one's willingness to submit himself to the tedium of a modern day normal life is some cause for celebration. Highschool is like some sort of cultist initiation ceremony, or a boot camp. Where they bend and strain you until you snap, and proceed to leave behind your soul and and give yourself up, to be shepherded into what is generally regarded as a "normal life." I will likely never understand the true purpose of highschool, and I doubt anybody else does either. The difference is that I refuse to work for a goal that is not immediately tangible, or at least a direct result of my efforts. To put it another way, if I want a table, I'll build a table. Not subject myself to 4 years of training for an unrelated profession in the hopes that one day I'll be able to trade my skills for bits of green paper, which I can trade for a table. For this reason, you will be more successful than me in life, and I am happy for you.

Another highschool ritual that I fail to understand is prom. Seriously, what the fuck. What can I even say? I find myself severely lacking in words to describe how unbelievably stupid prom is. I suppose I can't speak for girls, but what on earth is going through the mind of a guy that goes through this? Oh right, "must… get… laid…" Guys, do me a favor. Curb your sex drive for the sake of our sex's integrity. Stop indulging the fantasies of females simply because you desire to put your nut inside their socket. It's quite demeaning. On the other hand, if you are genuinely willing to go through with this degrading act, you should stop being so conformist. I hesitate to use the word "conformist" as it makes me feel rather dirty, but honestly, society has made you its little bitch. Next thing you know, it'll be gagging you with a red ball. You don't want to be a bdsm slave, do you?

This whole blog reeks of pretentious nonconformity, it makes me feel unclean. I think I'll leave it at this. Commence hateful comments in 3…. 2…. 1….


Ferret 14 years, 7 months ago

~I love you~

Edit: Don't my blogs have correct grammar?

KaBob799 14 years, 7 months ago

noncomformity is just conforming to noncomformity

Misconstruct 14 years, 7 months ago

that's right, conformity is not conforming to nonconformity.

Extravisual 14 years, 7 months ago

Hey look, a typo, I knew I couldn't go through a whole blog without fucking something up…

Castypher 14 years, 7 months ago

3…. 2…. 1…. BZZT


Quietus 14 years, 7 months ago

Super Hali Badge!