101 Ways to Start a Fight

Posted by Extravisual on July 18, 2006, 12:39 p.m.

1) Tell a noob something smart.

2) Tell a smart something noob.

3) Interrupt ChIkEn while he is making a game asking for a dll.

4) Post a one-lined blog.

5) Post a one-hundred-lined blog.

6) Start a fight.

7) Question a mods ability to enforce the rules.

8) Be like ChIkEn.

9) Ask really dumbly noobish questions.

10) Mention Drink Tea or Die in a positive way.

11) Mention Drink Tea or Die in a negative way.

12) Ask for your own badge.

13) Ask for somebody else's badge.

14) Brag about how much IE pwns.

15) Brag about how much FF pwns.

16) Brag about how much IE and FF and Opera owns.

17) Use the user tag.

18) Overuse the user tag.

19) Mention the user tag.

20) Go on and on about the user tag.

21) Bug blog readers with the user tag.

22) Smash a bottle over somebody's head.

23) Make that somebody read the user tag.

24) Then smash that somebody over the head again.

25) Overuse whispers. 26) Support the GMC.

27) Say that gml_josea does not pwn.

28) Generally insult cool people.

29) Write dumb blogs like this.

30) Mention the Halibadge.

31) Hack 64D

32) Piss off ChIkEn.

33) Piss off Halibutski.

34) Piss off Melee.

35) Piss off JakeX.

36) Piss off ludamad.

37) Piss off… never mind…

38) Spam.

39) Spam like ChIkEn.

40) …

Okay, this is getting tiring. I Now ask the community to finish my list.


Requiem 18 years, 7 months ago

Wooh button!

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 7 months ago

60. smile, wave, honk, and do anything to greet a stanger, especially a hobo


1nd1anaj0n35 18 years, 7 months ago

52. Submit a 1945 edit as a completed game.

noshenim 18 years, 7 months ago

6 made me laugh quite a lot lol.

tel a smort something noob? wha?

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 7 months ago

53. Tell a n00b to teach you GML

Alx 18 years, 7 months ago

54. Eat pie in a weight reduction camp

Cesar 18 years, 7 months ago

55. release a .gm6 labeled MMORPG editable, and fill up the .zip with loads of corrupted .mp3s to give it bulk…