[F13] Nebraska Newton Devlog #8

Posted by F1ak3r on April 23, 2008, 12:37 a.m.

Nebraska Newton Devlog #8 - "Various"

Time for devlog number eight! To tell the truth, I've run out of things to talk about in these devlogs. But that's actually a good sign, seeing as it means that everything's getting finished, so I don't need to discuss ideas I haven't put in yet (because I've put almost everything in).

So today, instead of having an actually topic, I'll just talk about whatever comes to mind.


The game is getting closer and closer to being finished. I'm making much better time than I did with my winter comp non-entry. That's a good sign. It means I'll have time to deal with the unforeseen. The unforeseen killed my game last time.

Chapter 1 - "Ladders"

The ladder gun is what sets this game apart, and I want to make it get a lot of use during the game. Currently, it can be used to reach gaps in the ceiling, when there are no nearby walls to climb. It can also be used if you want to get the advantage of height over your enemies, or if you want to make a quick escape (you don't always have to kill everything!).

I'm not sure there really are any other uses for it, or if there need to be, but I plan to find out.

Chapter 2 - "Boss"

The boss will come into play in level 10. He'll be the final level, and the only boss. He'll be much like a normal enemy, but faster, stronger and with one or two special abilities.

I had about six bosses in my winter game, so I'll probably steal his special ability from one of them. The bosses have jumping, shrinking, health regeneration, triple-projectile firing, flying and land movement and melee and ranged combat.

Chapter 3 - "Goals"

I commented on my last devlog with yesterday's goal progress. But, basically, I did everything. But I still have about four or five levels to finish up.

Goals For Today

* Put in oxygen. You know how there's always something you forget to do? Well, for me, this is it. Nebraska can STILL breath underwater.

* Finish all levels. I've got nine levels. About four or five of them aren't complete. That needs to change.

* Put in more lines. Nebraska needs more helpful and silly things to say.

* Start on boss and boss level. If I can start with this today, I can perfect it tomorrow.


So I've got a few more things to do, and a few more days to do it in. I don't see any reason I won't be able to do it, but there's always the unforeseen. Going to have to be careful.



JW 16 years, 10 months ago

more screenssssss

Cpsgames 16 years, 10 months ago

Yes, more screenssssss

And yet again woo for the progress :D

F1ak3r 16 years, 10 months ago

Screens are difficult when your only access to the Internet is through a cellphone. But if I could, I would.

Cpsgames 16 years, 10 months ago

Ah, I forgot that your using BlackBerry XD