In true 64D tradition, the final part of this epic saga shall be presented in the "Today was a [something] day" format. BET YOU DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING.
Any spelling, grammatical, or stylistic errors made from this point onwards are purposeful, and done for effect.A-hem. Ack. Eergh. *coughs and splutters*Once upon a tiem, there wuz a MISTEROWS PROTAGONYST, our hero. He wuz gunna be ENSLAVD by the winner of THE BIGG RACE. Then the race happened.Skata and dirtbiker wuz there, and skata sez "ALL UR BASE R BLONG 2 MEH". Then dirtbiker sez "NO U". Then the race happened moar. "BEGIN UR MOVINGS" sez aeroplane-shaped golden-coloured man-thing. "K" sez skata N dirtbiker.Skata pushed himself on CHEESEBORD, and dirtbiker sez "MUSH BIAKE". Our hero dun want neither of them 2 win, so he tri sabotag them. He took a GENERIC POWER TOOL out of his UMBRELLA, and he brokeded da bika's bike wen da biker stopped 4 a pitstop. "ONOEZ" sez bika, and he wuz sad."OYEZ" sez skata, and he pwnt the race. "ONOEZ" sez hero, and skata makes hero his slave.Then everyone died. The end.———————————–Uurgh, I never thought I'd do that, and I'll never do it again, that's for sure. I wouldn't have done it if this had turned out to be a better story, but it didn't, so meh. At least I can say that I finished it.F1ak3r
WTF sez shon
@Xxypher: I agree, I should have stopped after Part 1.
@shawn: Try reading the older ones. They're better.Uh-huh. That must be my least subtle one ever.