Posted by F1ak3r on Aug. 8, 2008, 2:57 a.m.

AYUSSHMUP Devlog #5 - "Leftovers"

Right, first things first:

How do you like it? I got rid of those silly healthbars, darkened the background and put in some new enemies. I also did a number of other things, but those aren't evident from the screenshot.


There are a few things left to do before I release the demo, the most important of which is scoring, and the least important of which is visual effects.

So let's get to that, shall we?

Chapter 1 - "Scoring"

The score you get from killing an opponent will be their importance level times 10 (because scores have to big). Therefore, killing a scout will give you 10 points, and killing a battlecruiser will give you 60 points.

But wait! That's not all! Kill two ships in rapid succession, and you'll get double your score for the second one! So, kill a scout for 10 points, kill two for 10+20 points, kill three for 10+20+30 points, etc…

Considering this, the scores need adjusting. So disregard the first paragraph, here are the new scoring things:

Scout - 5

Pawn - 10

Frigate - 20

Battle Frigate - 40

Battlecruiser - 80

That should work better.

Chapter 2 - "Effects"

I'm thinking that some particle effects would be good, for things like the player ship's rockets. And then some spluttering blue particles for ships that get electrocuted. As well as spluttering red particles for heavily damaged ships.

On the non-particle side, I think it'd be nice if ships turned white and then disappeared (maybe in a burst of white particles) once destroyed.

And then there's this rectangle background I have to get around to animating…

Chapter 3 - "Goals"

I managed to get the basics of my goals for yesterday, but I didn't get the time to do much, because I was out iceskating for most of the day.

Goals For Today (And Tomorrow)

* Finish off goals for yesterday.

* Implement scoring system.

* Do visual effects.


And so we come to the final devlog in this little series. Heh. This week hasn't been as productive as I'd've liked, but I've got quite a bit done despite various setbacks, and I've garnered a lot of useful feedback and suggestions. Thanks for reading, thanks for supporting, and remember to download the demo the day after tomorrow!


PS: If anyone can suggest a better name for the "Battle Frigate", I'd really appreciate it.


New screen, using serprex and Bryan's suggestions:

What do you think?


Tasm 16 years, 2 months ago

The pink background is a little concerning.

Misconstruct 16 years, 2 months ago

Hurry! I wanna play. lol

F1ak3r 16 years, 2 months ago

@sKareKrow: It used to be purple, but hexdecimal codes hate me. But we'll probably change the colour anyway.

@Living Spiral: Remember remember, the 10th of Aug…tember?

Cesar 16 years, 2 months ago

Instead of Battle Frigate, how about Destroyer?

totally stolen from OGame

F1ak3r 16 years, 2 months ago

Works for me. *adds*

totally stolen from OGame
I need to start stealing from things other than Raging Skies, so good.

Bryan 16 years, 2 months ago

I still think you should make the game area twice as small, and then scale everything up twice.

s 16 years, 2 months ago

Ya, seems too sparse. Should be more tall than wide

Rapid chain systems are boring, they just demand you rush around blasting everything. Chain systems that make you hold back are nicer (Cue Ikaruga and Radiant Silvergun)

F1ak3r 16 years, 2 months ago

@Bryan: I did that once; it didn't feel right. But maybe I'll try again sometime.

@serprex: I guess that's true, but still, sizing down just didn't feel right. But maybe I should size down by 1.5 or something instead of 2.

More tall than wide? Now THAT makes sense. *implements*

Yeah, I guess they are a little unimaginative. I'm afraid that the system's staying, though, at least until I play Ikaruga or Radiant Silvergun, to see what you mean.

Bryan 16 years, 2 months ago

Yay it looks much better now :D

F1ak3r 16 years, 2 months ago

I've gotta hand it to you Bryan, you were right. The reason it didn't feel right the first time I did it must've been because of the incorrectly proportioned view.