What are you watching/reading?

Posted by F1ak3r on Nov. 13, 2015, 12:16 p.m.

We've got music, games and projects already, so this is for books, movies, series and other things of that ilk you've been enjoying lately. Recommendations and condemnations alike are welcome.

Images and videos in hide tags, please, as per the usual protocol.


Cpsgames 9 years, 2 months ago

The Hateful Eight looks pretty good too. Gotta love Tarantino.

LAR Games 9 years, 2 months ago

I watched the last episode of "One Punch Man" on Sunday. It was seriously one of the greatest things I've ever seen in animation.

The fact that it's over makes me so sad. :(

eagly 8 years, 11 months ago

Daredevil season 2! Aww yiss.

LAR Games 8 years, 10 months ago

I've been reading the One Punch Man manga AND original webcomic. If you guys thought the first season was good, if they ever make a second it will seriously blow some minds. King is amazing.

factnfiction101 8 years, 10 months ago

Currently watching The Never Ending Story 3. I want to watch The Hateful 8 also, after some reviews about it.

I want to reread The Vampire Lestat.

eagly 8 years, 10 months ago


I think that was kind of the point of the Matt/Karen relationship. It's dull, it's awkward and no one really wants it to happen, in contrast to Elektra who kicks ass and pulls Matt/Daredevil in to a more grey area of morality.

I agree with you on the first season. Fisk is such a deep and interesting character, played by an amazing actor and I'd have loved to have seen/learned more about what he actually planned to do to fix Hell's Kitchen.

And Punisher is just awesome. Again, fantastic casting getting Jon Bernthal to play him. Now we just have to wait ages for the next season. ;_;

I haven't watched Jessica Jones yet, but it's next on my list before Luke Cage comes out.

eagly 8 years, 10 months ago

Hah, yes. The way I see it, though, is that he's clearly attracted to both of them, but finds more excitement with Elektra. He's more readily compatible because of their lifestyles and backgrounds. He wants to want the "good girl" Karen, but is drawn to Elektra.

I think it mirrors his struggle with the morality of being a vigilante and not wanting to kill anyone. He wants to be a good guy, but is being pulled in the direction of feeling like some people do need to be killed to be stopped.

Just my thoughts.

S3xySeele 8 years, 10 months ago

Just finished watching Master Keaton, it was… masterful.

Now I'm finishing up Dennou Coil and Fantastic Children… which so far are, you guessed it, fantastic.

Toast 8 years, 10 months ago

10 Cloverfield Lane is the best movie I've seen in quite a while

Cpsgames 8 years, 10 months ago

Got back from Hardcore Henry a couple of hours ago. I liked it a lot. The POV camera was interesting, but the parts with falling from heights made me feel a bit uneasy.