Updates, and XNA

Posted by F1u on Nov. 18, 2007, 6:23 p.m.

I've made some progress on my STILL unnamed platform shooter. I'd throw a screenshot on here but i dont even know how. I'm getting kind of fed up with being a noob and using gamemaker. So, i bought a book on java a while back. Then, as soon as I posted about it, someone said it was dreadfully slow for making games, and it was a waste of my time. So I thought for a while, what other languages are there? And the one that came to my mind was c#, because, with the use of xna, c# games can be played on xbox 360. I know i'm getting way ahead of myself now, and I should first learn the language, but like honestly, how awesome would playing your games on your 360 be? And I know it's really unlikely, but if you send it in to microsoftcasualgames.com or whatever, you might even get your game published. So my question for you guys is, how different are java and c#? Can i maybe use java as a stepping stone to c#, or are they too different? And also, how hard would it be for me to learn c#, keep in mind i'm 15 and have no prior programming experience, other than using gamemaker d+d.


Trogdor 17 years, 2 months ago

Trogdor knows he has psychic powers. I know that in five minutes, I shall go take a piss. That's psychic enough for me. Besides, it's plenty obvious, you're attempting to meet someone new, so you were asking their name. Maybe you'd like to meet more people?

TDOT 17 years, 2 months ago

Or maybe he just wanted an idea of a general age to start learning real programming (not that I think there is one).

Trogdor 17 years, 2 months ago

Who knows. =/

F1u 17 years, 2 months ago

well i thought you knew, mr. I'm trogdor, im psychic.

RabeArcade 17 years, 2 months ago

C# and Java are actually quite similar, so if you know Java, C# should come pretty naturally.

Personally, I love C#. It's a great language to become familiar with. I actually learned C# before I ever even found Game Maker, so it can be learned without simpler experience. Good Luck!

Trogdor 17 years, 2 months ago

Inf1u3nza: No need to get bitter now. My psychic abilities, they come and go. Either way, I was merely making a comment. No one but you really knows why you asked the question.

F1u 17 years, 2 months ago

@rabe arcade- Thanks man. Good luck to you too.

@trogdor- chill dude i wasn't getting bitter. I think ur pretty funny actually.

Trogdor 17 years, 2 months ago

Woohoo. Someone thinks I'm funny. Must be the two lil blocks of mine. lol, nubs trying to look at t3h sick pr0nz

Dom 17 years, 2 months ago

i do C# its pretty difficult to start with but it gets easier it just takes about a year of banging your head against the wall going WTF is wrong.

Trogdor 17 years, 2 months ago

So, back to the pressing matters. I started off with Java, and am learning C++ Now. Really, either is beneficial for you.