64Digits Machinima

Posted by F1u on Dec. 1, 2007, 2:20 p.m.

Machinima is a basically a movie made using a videogame. A notable one is Red vs. Blue. I've been thinking a lot lately about how it would now be easier to do using halo 3's forge and theater. I was also thinking that i've seen a lot of people with halo 3 on 64digits, and I'm really interested in maybe starting maybe a little series. Like start out small, with maybe a welcome vid fer the homepage, and then maybe, if people like it, making a habit of making vids, like once a month or so. I was wondering who of you - 1. have halo 3. and 2. would be interested in doing this. I would also need someone with a capture card really, or i could get one with christmas money, but that's not important right now really, I'm just trying to figure out who some of our "actors" could be.

*Edit* I need to make this a bit longer so i can keep it frontpaged. So far, it looks like its me and killpill, and im going to try and think of a plot for the pilot episode. I don't want to make it too similar to Red vs. Blue or everyone will be like "OMg ITS LeiK R veRrsus BLOo."

I need help coming up with a plot. Anyone interested in writing the story for it with me on windows messenger, or wants to be an actor, let me know in a pm, and then ill give you my messenger sn thing. And we can work something out. Like seriously tho guys, how cool would this be if we got a monthly series going. I think im going to use geevee.com for capturing the video too. I just need to get a capture card for christmas probably. And I might also need someone to edit the video(s), or else i'll need to, which might even work out because i'm getting a laptop for christmas. Well anyways, if you want to be a part of this series in any way, either comment, or hit me up with a pm. :]

*Edit2* So far it's for sure me, my friend that doesnt have a 64digits account, and nintenj0e, my friend who is new to 64. We still need a lot of people. Oh and killpill i think too.


flashback 17 years ago

You DO realize that Roosterteeth didn't get sued over red vs blue because bungie interefered, right? We were already contacted by microsoft legal because someone uploaded a clip of Halo 3's ending, if we have Halo 3 machinima on the front page we're going to be gone in seconds.

F1u 17 years ago

Were not making money off of it, i don't see what the problem would be. Maybe i'm wrong.

flashback 17 years ago

Neither was rooster teeth, at the beginning. It's copyright infringement, according to Billy G.

firestormx 17 years ago

The issue would have to be brought up with Microsoft, not us.

If you post it on youtube or something, then link it back here, that'd be alright - so long as it's not hosted directly on the 64digits server.

F1u 17 years ago

We could definitely do that tho fsx?

blueBX 17 years ago

We already have the 64D En Flashe Episodes so yeah…

F1u 17 years ago

Im not sure what those are bbx, care to explain?

flashback 17 years ago


@FSX: that's essentially what I was saying.

F1u 17 years ago

I fail?

PY 17 years ago

Yes, you do.