She thinks she's sooo clever.

Posted by Fabio on Nov. 20, 2006, 7:50 p.m.

Well, my mom told me all the Wii's were sold out. Me = :(. But about 10 minutes later, she 'secretly' ordered one and put it on Christmas delivery. Nice, mom. Now, I'm pretty happy. :)

I updated Contagion; somehow, someway, my stinky dial-up allowed it to pass. It's got a TON of new stuff, but I've mentioned about all of it at least 3 times on my blogs.

Anyway, here is some new information about my new game, which I have decided to name 'Bland'.

-You will treat your character like yourself.. For instance, would you eat mushroom filled with poisons? Well, some of you may, but everything you do affects your character's status, which is checked through the character's perspective (Example: "I feel hungry." "I'm getting a bit damp, here.").

-It'll be non-linear and free roaming- I want you to be able to explore the land.

-You'll basically be trying to uncover the 'mystery' behind the whole story, which I'll describe below:

You and many other inhabitants live in an always dry land. It has never rained there; never. This land is known as the world of Deradiga (Pronounced 'DUH RAH JI GA'). Due to lack of moisture, the inhabitants of Deradiga have no color to their bodies. But one day, the rain comes, and doesn't stop. Luckily, you are in a cave when it starts. But everyone else around you has become a color. Each color means something- Red is hostile, which you must avoid, Blue is suicidal, which you must run from, and Yellow is to clever. The strange thing is, they all hide themselves from you; you never see them. But, they leave their path behind them, with traps, puzzles, and more.

Strange, huh? No new screenie today, but that was enough for now. Peace.


Kaz 18 years, 3 months ago

Nice. I know I'm not getting a new consoles until next year.

basilamer 18 years, 3 months ago

Nice. I know I'm not getting a new consoles until wednesday.

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 3 months ago

Nice. I know I'm never going to want a console.

WaleedAmer 18 years, 3 months ago

Nice. I know I'm getting a Wii sometime this month.

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 3 months ago

Nice. I'm playing my Wii as i type this.

Kaz 18 years, 3 months ago

Nice, PSM doesn't play games.

Radnom_Games 18 years, 3 months ago

Nice. I know I'm not getting a new consoles until next year too.

Acid 18 years, 3 months ago


Cesar 18 years, 3 months ago

That's because PSM thinks that his outdated 6-month-old computer is what he needs for gaming… which is why all you computer gamers should shut the fuck up about consoles being released and us wanting to get it, just because computer equipment is released constantly doesn't mean you should be retarded jackasses and comment on us wanting to get a console the day it is released.

KaBob799 18 years, 3 months ago

Nice im determined to get one before christmas, and I will.