————————Ah! So I'm here with a new game, (That will hopefully be my first finished game.) AU, and… some other odds and ends.GM————So yeah, just deleted The Deep until I could fix some major problems, and released Munchie Man. It's a unique old-school platformer WIP with a unique concept of eating foods and projectile vomiting them at enemies. Very quirky, but they idea of eating different foods that have different effects on enemies is quite fun and new. It's almost done, I just need to finish up the last world, add music, and little extras to polish it all off. Check it out.Australlia——————–My girlfriend gets back from AU in 3 days. YAY ME! She's been gone for 18, so it sucks. She calls/e-mails, but still.360————-I made another montage of a buddy and me in GoW, and we're really good. And it's not all Longshot headies either; we've got some amazing Gnasher play, Snub, and 1 vs. 4 wins. Oh, and I beat GH2 on hard. :)Eace ut.
Drugs are bad mmmmmkay?
The font. It burnezszxzzxzzz…fc.v..g.e.f.d.vsx..g slref sdrjgvdjtrsxik *BOOOOM*
Seriously. It's just too fucking bright. Hurts my eyes having to adjust to that much brightness. Darken the fucker (or I could tilt the moniter back and it looks fine but I'm too lazy).WOW! I like the color. Makes it hard to read, really blends in with everything. :)
it does look better if you move the screen =o
NOW! ALL CAPS BTW!ChIkEn, I have dial-up until we move. :(
Fififififififi,…….. i can't read……… damnit!
its very hard with a 1280x1024 to see small stuff.Add me too: Maxcor3
thats my gamertag, I rarely play anymore because everyone on gears sucks at it, but if you're any good, invite me to a game.Add my cousin, Soldier G70 or something along thos lines. I forgot where the spaces are. Anyway, tell him his cousin Noah sent you!