Posted by Fabio on June 6, 2008, 7:34 p.m.

Hey everyone. As you may have (or may not have) noticed, Mentamatical slid through the queue and is now in the 64Digits database. I'm quite proud of myself, my first completed game. Anyway, since I'm so excited, and considering how well it's generally been received, I'll start accepting some fan art from the… fans? Anyway, if you have any fan art made up, post it here, it'd make me happy. : ) Also, when I finish the site for Mentamatical it'll be added there.

Few things went wrong in the release (except my idiotic move of not asking Zane whether or not he was finished with the tune). Mostly people complained about the music being annoying (which will be fixed once Zane finishes his work) or it being too easy and short. If I decide to make a sequel (or if one is even wanted) these problems will be fixed. Zaney loves it. <3

There are a few secrets hidden in the game… see if you can find them. : p

REZ: Dead World

I played the REZ: Dead World demo as well. : ) It's great stuff- MUCH better than the previous two; better graphics, environments, animations, better gameplay, darker story and graphics, just overall goodness guys. It's NOT the same game the previous two were, I can guarantee you that. And not in a bad way, either. I can't wait.

Life. As stated before, nothing is new.


Nighthawk 16 years, 8 months ago

Mentamatical was nice, but too short. :(

noshenim 16 years, 8 months ago

what kind of secrets

Fabio 16 years, 8 months ago

If I told you, they wouldn't be all that secret, now would they? Look for them. :3

ESA 16 years, 8 months ago

Congratulations on completing a game! A sequel would be nice, seeing as this game was rather short. A good game, though. The music wasn't bad, just got repetitive because of the loop's shortness :P

Toadsanime 16 years, 8 months ago

Mentamatical actually looks really good. I'd download it, but I'm on my friend's computer, so it'll have to wait until later on today or tomorrow. I anticipate playing it, though.

REZ looks very, very good. I can't wait for it!

Life has nothing new, huh? That sounds kind of negative, but I can't be sure… :/