{F} Sarah X 10

Posted by Fabio on June 24, 2008, 5:55 p.m.

How many 64Girlfriends are names Sarah here? A few, I think. My Sarah, Kaz's Sarah, and there's a few more, I know it. Kind of strange. We should combine them all to make one super-Sarah. We could then take over the world. : DD

Anyway, leaving for the NC beach on Thursday for 3 weeks. I may have computer and Internet access, but I'm not sure. Should be fun, going to see a few shows while I'm there. I'm excited.


Here's a few things I've learned in this past week-

1: Despite my Italianism, I CAN in fact sunburn

2: I would never give sk8m8trix a gun or baseball bat in a crowded room

3: Firefox 3 = HIGH FIVE

4: I liek sex.

And, since I need content, QUIZLOL!:

1: Fabio is a sexy beast. (True or True)

2: Would YOU give sk8 a baseball bat? (Yes or No)

3: Which is the better show- My Name is Earl or The Office

4: Name the best late night show on television


sk8m8trix 16 years, 8 months ago

1. Tru… Hmm nah… True

2. Fuck no! I'd give him Steyer Aug and a bunch of ammo, also put him in a room full of people he hates armed with swiss army knives.

3. Well since my dad looks like Earl… Earl

4. Late Night With Conan O' Brien!

Cesar 16 years, 8 months ago

1. Since the options are both true and there is no false, the question must be a lie

2. Yes, an aluminum one at that

3. The office

4. That's a tough one, but since I don't watch TV, I nullify my vote

And have fun at the beach you unsexy beast

shawn 16 years, 8 months ago

1. Fabio is the name my wierd friend gives all his craplets

2.Thats like throwing pennys at jews(IM KIDDING I DIDNT MEAN THAT)

3.earl :D

4.family guy

yea i like family guy

bite me

Kaz 16 years, 8 months ago

Lol, someone remembers parts of my life.

F1ak3r 16 years, 8 months ago

My sister's name is Sarah… STAY AWAY YOU FREAKS!

MMOnologueguy 16 years, 8 months ago

1: trick question

2: yeah, if I got to have a nuke.

3: never seen the office… my name is earl, I guess then.

4: I don't watch much TV, lol. maybe The Late Show?

F1ak3r 16 years, 8 months ago

Forgot to answer the questionaire

1. k.

2. I wouldn't even give sk8m8trix the time of day.

3. I'm too awesome to watch TV.

4. As above.

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 8 months ago

1: True is a sexy beast.

2: I would even show him how to swing it

3: No TV for me

4: No TV for me