Where I'm at so far.

Posted by Fabio on Jan. 15, 2012, 1:21 a.m.

Here's how far I've gotten on the procedural generated robot explorer since I last posted.

So, uh, yeah. I haven't gotten far at all.

I like how this looks, and I have two types of enemies at the moment, but I'm struggling to decide on mechanics. Should it be a roguelike with a focus on loot hunting or leveling? An arcade explorer with a focus on completing a level in a certain time limit without dying? I'm not even sure yet.


svf 13 years ago

Graphics look interesting. Also looks unique! :D

Eva unit-01 13 years ago

Digging the way it's looking so far. I'd say make it focus on looting and leveling, that seems to be the thing that gives a lot of indie games their lasting appeal.

As for the graphics, I couldn't help but notice he main character reminded me a lot of

Moikle 13 years ago

Awesome, do want!

edit, also, is it ever impossible?

panzercretin 13 years ago

Fuck the same-old same-old.

Make one huge-ass level and the goal is to find the princess robot or some other maguffin like that.

The idea is that a bunch of different clues will be left around the world as to where she is. For example, you'll know you're getting close to the castle when you see imperial guards about.

And if you explore enough you can find upgrades (jetpacks, laservision, shovels to go through terrain, etc.) In case for example a jetpack is put somewhere you can't reach without a jetpack, make it so that there are like 5 or 6 of each, and every time you pick up a redundant upgrade it levels up said upgrade.

The combat style could base itself around jumping on their heads and pushing them over cliffs and shit, because like, you're really fucking heavy or something. Also, it'd emphasize itself on platforming and having knowledge of the terrain.

Bam. Instant indie classic. It's like Mario meets Terraria meets Metroid.

Toast 13 years ago

roguelike yes

and instead of weapons and equipment the little robot should have modules and upgrades and shit so he can transform into different things and do different stuff

edit: and i just read what panzer said and he already said upgrades so yeh

Praying Mantis 13 years ago


Sounds a lot like Robot Wants Kitty, and Fabio's graphics reminded me of that game, too.