My weeping willow

Posted by Fabio on May 6, 2012, 10:30 p.m.

Don't cry for my weeping willow,

For no axe feels emotion,

So save some salt for the ocean.

Because like frantic fruit flies,

Or snowmen on a lukewarm day,

We'll all be dead soon anyway.

CONTEXT: There is none. Hello everyone. I enjoy writing. I enjoy posting it for others to read and critique and comment on. I am playing with GameMaker still, but my SUPERJAUL guy bailed on me entirely. So now you know. Some pics of what I've been fucking with bro: (same concept of Superjail, except aliens. And I'm doing graphics and shit. Not much to it at the moment.)


JuurianChi 12 years, 9 months ago

"Everyone dies, my love."

Even the superjail guy.