I just wanted to say

Posted by Fabio on Dec. 16, 2012, 12:57 p.m.

happy holidays to everyone. Seriously. I nearly lost someone extremely close to me. Be with your family, be with the people who are close to you, and love the everliving fuck outta those people. Ya dig?


Charlie Carlo 12 years ago

Happy holidays, Fabio, especially Kwanza.

Happy Kwanza to all.

sirxemic 12 years ago

My holidays start in 5 days. This blog torments me!

S3xySeele 12 years ago

I always make a point of being near family when death draws near. Gotta make sure they don't try and weasel out of it, y'know?

mikemacdee 12 years ago

happy holidays to you and yours! give 'em extra big hugs this year.

eagly 12 years ago

I'm on my own this Christmas. :(

Staying in Sheffield as I'll be working every day next week other than Christmas day.

But happy holidays to all! :) I hope everyone has a great time and is able to spend it with people they care about!