Split-screen ain't dead yet

Posted by Fabio on March 28, 2013, 4:25 p.m.

I'm on break! With more free time than normal I've been banging around in GameMaker (and by banging around I mean up for three straight days) on a split-screen 1v1 game similar to titles like Dota and League of Legends. I still love playing multiplayer games like Smash Brothers and Mario Kart locally so I wanted to pay homage.

For now I'm just calling it Tribe. Gameplay is pretty simple.

Each player has a unique hero (in this build, you cannot select a hero, it's just random) and begins on either side of the map.

Open these in a new tab for a larger view.

There are runes, too. For now there are just three types (health fill, mana fill, XP boost) but I do plan on adding more. Rune control is important. Did I mention that there's a day/night cycle too?

Creep farming is one way to gain XP! There are two jungles, each with three camps that spawn random neutrals. Kill the creeps, gain XP, level up! Right now there are only a handful of neutral creeps but I do want to add more.

Trees are important too! Cut them down! Control space! Some heroes like Woodwalker use trees to their advantage…

Lying in wait for a surprise attack from the trees…

…and some heroes like Ranger can eat trees for health!

Yum! Ranger can eat trees for a health gain!

Unlike most MOBAs, there are no towers to defend or lanes to push. Tribe is a straight-up deathmatch and you start with all of your skills. You either are farming and controlling the neutral camps for XP, or you're going balls-out trying to kill your opponent for XP. In this build, there isn't any way to win a match, but I want to have a timed mode (most kills at 00:00 wins) and a standard deathmatch.

There are for sure some bugs (weird, unexplained crashes every now and again) and the neutral creep AI is relatively retarded, but I say that with love. It's also unclear what each hero ability does without using it, although this of course is gonna change. Anyway, I want to add a metric shit ton of new heroes and neutral creeps and runes and a character selection screen and joystick support and all other sorts of goodies.

I definitely need some help in the balance design portion of the game. Which heroes suck? Which heroes are overpowered? Which heroes are fun? Which ones are dull? I'd also like to know how the game runs. (I want to add options for reducing the instances on screen, unnecessary stuff like particles to make it run better on slower machines.)

Let me know what you think!

DOWNLOAD ALPHA (.exe, 2.29mbs)


Player one:

WASD: move

G/J: aim

T/Y/U/I: abilities

Player two:

Arrow keys: move

1/3 numpad: aim

4/5/6/+ numpad: abilities

ESCAPE: close game

F4: exit fullscreen


Many more coming soon.



Burrow (He can burrow underground and move under trees with increased health regen. Costs mana to move.)

Quake (AOE stun, can be cast from underground)

Fissure (Creates a bunch of impassable fissures in an AOE to trap enemies. Can be cast from underground.)



Sapling (Can plant tree)

Woodwalk (Can move through trees)

Leech Seed (Projectile attack that drains enemy HP and mana)



Consume firefly (Gloom can eat the fireflies at night for health, mana, and XP boosts)

Stalker (Invisible at night)

Darkness (Forces it to be night)



Bear trap (Small trap that ministuns any enemy or neutral that passes over it)

Consume tree (Eat tree for health gain)

Tracking (Shows enemy position)



Blight spread (Plants a blight tumor which spreads blight. Queen is much faster and has very high regen while on blight. Blight tumors can be destroyed.)

Hatchling egg (Plants a hatchling egg. Hatchling eggs grow over time. Touch the egg to hatch it. The bigger the egg, the more hatchlings pop out. Hatchlings chase after the enemy. Hatchling eggs can be destroyed.)

Web (Plants an invisible web that slows down any enemy that touches it. Webs can be destroyed.)



Consume corpse (Consumes a nearby corpse, player or neutral, for a health gain. Player corpses give more health.)

Rage (Speed boost at the cost of a health drain over time. Toggleable.)

Rend (Burst AOE damage, mini stuns)



Illusion (Creates illusion of Mirage that moves around randomly. Deals no damage.)

Disguise (Disguises as a tree stump. Disguise is removed when Mirage moves.)

Flash (AOE stun, can be cast while in disguise)


Charlie Carlo 11 years, 11 months ago

This looks baller!

I can't right now, but I'll try it out with my brother when I get the chance.

JuurianChi 11 years, 11 months ago

I'll be sure to give this a playthrough this weekend.

Fabio 11 years, 11 months ago

Fixed the download, very sorry about that. If you've already downloaded, click that link again. Please accept the new hero Mirage as a token of forgiveness.

Cesque 11 years, 11 months ago

Let me know what you think!

Honestly, I think the controls are too complicated to really judge anything else. The premise got me interested, but actual gameplay is pretty much impossible even if you try controlling one character, let alone too, due to awful controls. Player 2 has it slightly better than Player 1, but still, I couldn't get my movement and aiming coordinated well enough to have any fun.

Melee characters feel slightly better, again, due to the fact that you actually stand a chance of landing a hit on a creep before a randomly moving swarm chips your health away. Good luck scoring ANY hits with the Ranger when aiming feels like calibrating 19th century artillery, and you need to hit a rapidly moving target…

This would work with mouse-based controls, maybe, if it was actual online/LAN game, or perhaps with joysticks, but as it is… argh.

Fabio 11 years, 11 months ago

You're right, the controls are lackluster. I need to add joystick support as soon as possible.

I was also trying to think of alternate control schemes for the keyboard. Maybe A and D aim, W moves in whatever direction you're facing, and S the opposite? Then have four keys for abilities. Any ideas?

Edit: Moreover, I fucking need to figure out 39dll one of these days.

Cesque 11 years, 11 months ago

If I were you, I'd simplify the entire scheme a lot.

Say, for player 1:

- WASD to move, Q to attack, E to cycle through abilities (or reduce the number of abilities/attacks to 2, and add passive skills instead - in that case, E is for the second attack/skill).

- Aiming would be automatic whenever you attack (nearest target), maybe hold down Q to either retarget or go out of aiming mode. If not aiming at anything, the player faces the direction they walk in.

- Field of vision would either have to be increased or the whole idea abandoned (maybe just render the "invisible" area as darker?).

I think this would make the game more enjoyable, without sacrificing the whole concept. Maybe some skills could become context-specific, like a Ranger walking into a tree (or Mort standing over a corpse) counting as attempting to consume it.

Fabio 11 years, 11 months ago

Thank you for that Cesque, I'll experiment with those ideas and update 'yall soon.