Hack and shoot and kill dudes

Posted by Fabio on May 20, 2013, 7:06 p.m.

This isn't ready to be released yet, but I'm really curious on what people think of the heroes and general feel so far.

Check it out:

Download it here.

Basically the same type of game I've been making forever (and love to make). Wave-based gauntletlike. A la one of my old games, ORCSLAYER 2000. Except this one is much better. Looks better. Plays faster. More interesting and dynamic heroes.

So far there are six unique heroes. There's no selection screen right now, and you can't die. You just get matched with a random hero and you go.

Controls are simple. WASD moves, left click is your primary attack. 1, 2, 3, and 4 control abilities. You level up every morning. Just press 1, 2, 3, or 4 (or click your health bar) to level up the specified skill/health. The HUD is good right now but there aren't any ability description indicators. (They're coming.) So for now, you can read on what each hero does:


Chamber is a vengeful, revolver-toting badass. His skills rely on precision and accuracy.

His first ability gives him a second revolver that aims in the opposite direction by default. You can tap the 1 key to bring both revolvers in front of you for a limited time.

His second ability is a roll evade maneuver.

His third ability, a passive, makes every 6th bullet Chamber fires a silver bullet, which passes through enemies and trees.

His fourth ability, also a passive, sends Chamber into a focus mode after he successfully lands 6 shots in a row.


Strikes is one of the most unique heroes the game has right now. Strikes 1 has a bat, and is the primary hero (the one controlled with WASD). Strike 2 is a pitcher, and follows the mouse. He is invulnerable to damage.

When Strikes 1 has the ball, you can left click to toss it back to Strikes 2. When Strikes 1 does not have the ball, left click to swing the bat. (Bat does no damage to enemies but will stun them.)

While the ball travels between Strikes 1 and 2, it will stun enemies in its path.

His first ability is a passive increases the stun duration of the ball.

His second ability, also a passive, will make the ball bounce off of multiple enemies when it is hit by Strikes 1.

His third ability Pop-Fly is a pitch, and can only be used when Strikes 2 has the ball. If you time it right and hit the ball with Strikes 1 (using the left mouse), it will send the ball up in the air back towards Strikes 2, dealing AOE damage at the point of impact and damaging nearby enemies.

His fourth ability Line Drive is another pitch. If the pitch is hit, the ball will fly off the bat and strike the nearest enemy, killing it instantly.


Princess is a melee zombie prom queen. Simple at first glance, her skills synergize well together and is a constant balancing act of bodies. A bloody good time.

Her first ability is Consume, which eats a nearby body for a health gain.

Her second ability Rage sends Princess into a frenzy at a flat cost of 3 health. While enraged, Princess has increased attack and movement speed. She cannot be stunned while enraged.

Her third ability Bloat explodes the nearest body, dealing devastating AOE damage around it.

Her fourth ability is a passive which keeps bodies on the field longer and displays arrows on the HUD showing you the closest bodies.


RIkishi is a sumo-wrestling demi-god. A melee hero, his skills rely on jumping into the fray and landing hits.

His first ability is a passive which heals Rikishi after every 5/4/3/3 hits landed. The hits need to be landed fast, or the timer resets.

His second ability, Belly Bounce, is an AOE around Rikishi that deals damage and pushes nearby enemies away.

His third ability, Double Clap, creates a wave in front of Rikishi that stuns anything in its path.

His fourth ability, Dash, boosts Rikishi in the direction he is facing.


Mire is a slimy amorphous blob with no agenda. He's a mobile ranged hero who has a very high skill ceiling.

His first ability is a speed boost that leaves behind a slime trail that slows down enemies that cross it.

His second ability creates a clone of Mire at the mouse location for a cost of health. The clone attracts no attention and is invulnerable, but lasts a limited time. If the clone is hit by a projectile from Mire's primary attack, Mire is immediately teleported to the location of the clone and takes its place.

His third ability is a passive which makes him faster and a smaller target as he loses health.

His fourth ability, also a passive, allows Mire's primary projectile to pass through enemies.

Grove Ranger

Grove Ranger is a ranged, resourceful jack-of-all trades.

His first ability is a passive which fires more pellets from his slingshot.

His second ability eats a nearby tree for health gain.

His third ability places down a stun mine that will (you guessed it) stun any enemy who comes in contact with it.

His fourth ability, Wire Trap, can be strung from two trees. Activate the ability near a tree and run to another to attach it. Any enemy who passes the wire is killed instantly.

Which heroes are your favorite? Least favorite? Who is overpowered? Who is underpowered?

Oh, and two things you should know.

These are runes. One spawns every morning and they will stay until you grab them. They're color/effect coded. Yellow levels you up. Green heals you fully. Purple makes you invisible for a short time. Red kills every enemy on the map.

Mystery boxes. They could have anything inside… Food, enemies, junk, maybe even a shiny rune! Just attack it to open it up. They don't stay forever though.

Thanks guys.


panzercretin 11 years, 9 months ago

I love the idea of this game, but it needs tons of polish.

Too many enemies, in my opinion - I can't really "digest" a battle the way this game seems to want you to. There's just always a bunch of guys and some of them shoot and some of them don't. More variety, less enemies on-screen.

This game needs a ready-set-go thing - and of course a pause function (just noting things that would have helped if they were there). Oh, and death of course :P On that note, I feel like there's too little health to start.

Rikishi was the only one I could get working - and the most boring. I couldn't figure out Strikes at all. I feel like it's a cool character, but I lost the ball immediately and could never find it. Cool idea though. Chamber was hella fun - I kinda felt like I was playing as Jacknife from Superjail but with guns.

Definitely key in on your more original and creative heroes - I'd replace Rikishi and Grove Ranger with more off-the-wall characters.

I'll say one thing: I definitely, DEFINITELY want to design a hero or two. Can I can I, pretty please?

Hell, this might become the LoL/DOTA of 64Digits (in the sense that we get a bunch of cool dudes to make cool characters).

Fabio 11 years, 9 months ago

Thank you for the feedback.

Hell yes on the ready-set-go and pause functions, those will be in there soon.

I agree with the 'more variety' as far as enemies go sentiment. I'm going to have a new set of enemies for the night time, enemies that utilize the light and dark. As far as the pacing of the enemies go, I'm going to experiment with it and try to have them come more in 'waves' with breathers in between.

Strikes is a bit difficult to work with at first. Take his 4th skill to start with. If you whiff on the pitch, just click to toss is back and then press 4 to try again.

I need to upload videos as well, showcasing how to play each hero. The character selection screen will also contain information on how each one works.

panzercretin 11 years, 9 months ago

You should make a Fabio Engine and post it on here so I could make a bastardized version of one of these games.