Posted by Fabio on Feb. 24, 2017, 10:41 p.m.

this week i've been working on bringing island camps to the game! these camps are interconnected isles which create close-quarters combat and tight situation rooms which you are free to approach as you please. these level types add a nice little variety to the current level structure.

the bare balled bandit has a new tool at his disposal! press SPACE to blink in place! this consumes a blink charge per usual, but opens up more opportunities for clutch dodges of darts and quick retaliation, or evasion in a tight spot.

besides these major features, a lot of small polish has been added to the game this week; some things you may notice, others you may not! work is still being put into the goblin AI to ensure they're as tight as possible. and a re-work of the bloodbeast AI is next on the docket, as far as enemies are concerned.

i've recorded a decent run of mine which shows off some of the new stuff. watch below!


twisterghost 7 years, 12 months ago

Love the idea of blinking in place. Feels like spot dodging in smash bros, could be risky but oh so good when you pull off a well timed dodge. Or like in Rivals of Aether, just a few frames, but if you hit it right, you can punish so hard.

Maybe I just wanna play smashlikes right now, idk.

Fabio 7 years, 12 months ago

that's exactly what it feels like, twistgod, a melee spotdodge. now that i've had some time to master it, not only am i able to perform slick dodges i wouldn't have been able to otherwise, but you can set up more creative friendly fire kills on goblins with their dart traps, or allies:)

twisterghost 7 years, 12 months ago

+1000 to friendly fire being a gameplay element