Ukulele Wannabe

Posted by Fender on Oct. 25, 2006, 1:04 a.m.

I unknowingly passed 3000 hits (not that that's a lot) during several months of almost complete inactivity… That's pretty cool. I should be inactive more often.

Anyways, I feel like writing about my immediete life somewhere and this is probably the best place to do it. Cinema 4D Release 10's out, I'll see what I can do about getting it. I have the demo and I might start posting some renders again if I get back into it. I'm taking a 3DS Max course in school right now and that's helping out a lot.

My MP3 player is the best piece of crap ever. It's one of those old-school Creative 128mb ones that you just pull apart to reveal the USB. It has I think about three seperate cracks in the screen now and my sister managed to lose the back. It's been working perfectly for just over two years now since I got it (beginning of grade eight) but I'm going for a Zune at first possible opportunity.

I have my 5.1 speakers hooked up to my microphone jack.

Been experimenting in GM again. Have yet to create anything worthwhile.

My English teacher sucks.

And I got this mini-acoustic sixstring guitar from Nashville that is absolutely impossible to tune. There are fifteen frets and it just doesn't make any sense. My friend already broke a string. Whatever, I'll just put it on display.

Ibanez rules.


Onyx 18 years, 3 months ago

Awww, I wanted one of those Creative MP3s so badly few years ago… Hell, I still do! The're so sweet!