10,000 Hits!!! Screenshot!

Posted by Ferret on April 6, 2010, 11:15 p.m.

It's almost there. And like most of us, I too would like a screen shot :D Sadly I did not get a screenshot (D:) aw well, at least I made it to the big 10k ;D Thank you Golden Wolf for the screen shot!! ;D

Time to dance!

Goddamn I'm soo freaking excited I've always wanted 10k hits, or at least have 5 digits! :D

This is the part where some mod or someone we all know says: Man I can't wait for That's nothing, wait until <some number that is an interval of 10000>. :P…

For content sake:

I'm dying for the new 'Pendulum' album 'Immersion'. It sounds pretty dang good so I want to get it as soon as it gets out.

I'm stuck between work and school and literally have no time for anything. Every once and a while I can sneak in some GM, but bits by bits never finish a project… My main problem is that I can't completely concentrate on homework at times, but I don't want to completely commit/admit to myself that I'm really not doing homework by playing games or programming.


Anyone have good strategies that could help me?

Also life sucks, but don't tell anyone.


Ferret 14 years, 9 months ago


Golden Wolf 14 years, 9 months ago

O.o Look out, here comes a screenshot

I wasn't logged in at the time but I thought I'd save the screenie, Yeah I know it's a bit late but…I was too lazy to post last night, Happy 10,000 hits :)

Ferret 14 years, 9 months ago

OMG thank you! :D

And it's great to see you again golden wolf, where ya been?

Golden Wolf 14 years, 9 months ago

I pop in now again to have a look around, but I don't get much spare time so I never end up posting comments/blogs. Unless of course it's for special occasions, like this one :).

Edit:If you want the image code then

[-delete me-IMG]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r194/Kalzec/64dferretscreenie.png

Ya know…just in case

Edit, edit: Yeah, I totally remembered you could do that.

Ferret 14 years, 9 months ago

heh no worries, I can just right click the image and choose "view image" and it takes me to the image url. But thanks anyways :D

Edit: in FF that is…

sirxemic 14 years, 9 months ago


And the truth is that that's not even photoshopped or painted or something like that.

Ferret 14 years, 9 months ago

mmhhmmm surreeee….

sirxemic 14 years, 9 months ago

I am serious.

I actually hacked into your account, changed the hit counter, took a screenshot, and then logged out.

Actually, I edited it using Firebug.