Well I gave up.

Posted by Ferret on April 27, 2010, 1:13 a.m.


I was did write a program to convert my text into a series of vertical columns, but as many of you know, when text is displayed on a web page, spaces are skipped and all hell breaks loose. Yes, I did try having it replace the spaces with underscores, but GM for some stupid reason doesn't know how want to search in a string for " " or ' '. It's really pissing me off. It isn't worth it, and I wanted the program to be extremely easy for you guys to use (as in not having to go back and edit it…). Aw well. It works great in one line :P

If you want to try the program out because you have nothing better to do or would like to know that I wasn't lying, here it is: >>LINK<< (btw it saves a txt file, so you need to extract)

Quote: what my blog would say if it worked
Hey 64Digits! I got really bored, so I decided to make a blog with vertical text. Anyways, whats going on 64Digits? Been noticing all the returning members? Great to see Kenon again along with all those other people I do not know. I think 64Digits is slowly recovering, it's very exciting in my opinion. I'm so excited in fact, I wrote this blog virtically way to show my excitement. XU Vertical smiley by the way. So in other news my college just finished spring break. Nothing exciting happened except homework and work and for the first time in a really long time I had an entire day to myself where I played Killzone 2 all day. It was AWESUM. Coming back to school wasn't. You see, my Math professor is an old fart, and the only thing he teaches us is what we did on the homework and leaves it up to use to teach ourselves at home. Today, because we had no homework over spring break (only class to do so), all he taught us was basic trigonometric functions which we have been using for larger more complicated formulas. I think he is screwing around with us or he is time traveling. If you are wondering why I have Braid at the top of my blog it's because I adore that game. So much so that I'm thinking about making a puzzle platformer. Sadly time is a scarce resource for me, as we all can relate. While I'm here, I'd like to thank Arc for lifting the file manager restrictions, I LOVE YOU. And Marbs for taking games out from the Queue and putting them on the front page. I love my mods/admins.
If you wish to see what it could have looked like, you may look one blog back.

Anyways, even though my blog didn't turn out the way I wanted I just wanted to say hai.


sirxemic 14 years, 9 months ago

GM does know how to find a ' '. You are just doing it wrong. =)

Ferret 14 years, 9 months ago

I know it does, I have it search for ' ' when it makes a new line without cutting off a word, but for some reason it's giving me trouble this time around.

            while index<string_length(line[|i])
                {if string_char_at(line[|i],index)=' '

Ignore the "|" I only did that to avoid bbcode taking over.That is the long way of doing it, I tried string_replace_all() but it still didn't work.

It's just too much work for a blog.

To all you code seekers, heres the gmk. >>LINK<<

Arcalyth 14 years, 8 months ago


rufus 14 years, 8 months ago

yah off topic sorta but braid rocks.

Ferret 14 years, 8 months ago

Braid, indeed rocks.