I'm blerged

Posted by Ferret on July 6, 2010, 3:35 p.m.

These last few weeks have been the worst weeks of my life so sorry if I say anything retarded or strange in this blog or anywhere else.12535

In case if you were wondering why I have been gone/not been doing anything, I have work for 34 hours this week, school for 12, homework for 24, sleeping 56 (if minimum of 8 hours), driving to school is 2 hours per week, eating three meals per day is 2 and all week is 14 hours. Total, I am busy for 142 hours a week, and there are only 168 hours in a week. That means every day I have 3.17 hours to either sleep in, relax, program, play video games, or blargaflarg.


In other news, …. I don't have other news… My life has been eaten.

grrr this blog took up some of my 3.17 hours of free time :(


thernz 14 years, 4 months ago

You must free yourself of manmade measurements like time.

sirxemic 14 years, 4 months ago

You must free yourself of manmade measurements like time.
While you're busy with that, why don't you just hop through the 5th dimension to save infinite time?

Josea 14 years, 4 months ago

you have 3.17 hours a day to do whatever and you're complaining?

You haven't seen real work.

eagly 14 years, 4 months ago


I just spent two straight weeks of waking up at 5am, catching a train at 6:14am, arriving at work at 7:45am, having an hour and a half break a day on a 12 hour shift, leaving work at 8:10pm, getting home at 10pm, eating and going to sleep at 10:30pm.

Rinse and repeat. :)

Builds character. It is tough though, and I don't envy you. Just try to stick with it, because in the end it will all be worth it! :)

Toast 14 years, 4 months ago

Thats what you get for actually doing homework and actually going to school

Moikle 14 years, 4 months ago

iv'e just finnished my exams so, i have pretty much the whole day to myself.

Ferret 14 years, 4 months ago

@Josea: I haven't ever seen those 3.17 hours to be honest. Remember that in the estimate I didn't include all the small tasks such as hygiene, waiting in line to buy a muffin for a snack, ect. Also those hours were an average, I'm pretty sure most of them go to my weekends where I have 2 hours extra before work and get out an hour earlier than I would normally do in school. During the week I work from 7:30 to 2, I spend the time after changing and getting clean and an hour of homework, then I have a class for 3 hours where I return home dead tired and attempt to do homework which was planned out to take 6 hours. (Some rule about homework is twice the length of your class). Anyways I hate the fact that I haven't had a full day to myself for months except when I was in bed puking from wisdom teeth. On a side note I'm telling my manager today that I'm only a part-time worker and should not be working this many hours.

@Eagly: I feel for ya :( that sucks. Did you at least get the weekend? I'm not sure if I should "stick with it" because all this work is killing my school grades.

Quietus 14 years, 4 months ago

Thats what you get for actually doing homework and actually going to school

eagly 14 years, 4 months ago

I got the middle Sunday off because the players don't play on that day. But the Saturday and the following weekend I was working.

If it's affecting your grades, then you probably should give it up. See if you can't reach a compromise with your employers though, maybe only work some days or cut down your hours. Try and find a balance. :)

Ferret 14 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, I just went to my manager and told her that I'm a part time worker and tired of working full time hours and that it's affecting my grades, things should get better now.