So I switched to chrome

Posted by Ferret on Oct. 27, 2010, 4:31 p.m.

Now I know I have already made about 2 blogs already about Fire Fox and Chrome, and usually with me siding with FireFox.

Recently I had been getting pretty annoyed with some of the quirks that happen with FireFox and loading images, sometimes they would be slightly blurred and sometimes they would be extended by an extra row/column of pixels. Image examples below:17264

I got pretty annoyed seeing those strange anomalies so I decided to download chrome and see if they were there as well. Nope. And I was also happy to see that they got rid of that ugly blue bar at the top that my school computers seem to be cursed with (that or it's because they are winXP). So I decided to stick with it for a while and was pretty happy. Despite what Chrome is advertised for, I don't notice any significant difference in the load speed. But recently I have noticed that chrome has quirks of it's own :(

And a huge problem that I am having is that some of the animated gifs are running slower. I think RamboFox's avatar is one of the cutest things I have ever seen, but in chrome he looks like he is slowly taking steps while making clear jumps from frame to frame. >:l

Maybe some of these are just oddities that have to be dealt with by the web designer…

FireFox had a lot more add-ons; I miss the simplicity of using chatzilla (although I'm finding mIRC pretty cool), though I was able to find a pretty useful eyedropper extension that does pretty much the equivalent of what my FireFox add-on did.

For now I'm going to continue to use Chrome, and may switch back if I find too many annoyances.

Also, Chrome lets me resize text boxes; pretty useful for typing blogs in 64Digits's small text box.

Also also, notice that in chrome when you highlight from right to left it skips the character you started on? (on input text only) (It became a habit for me to highlight right to left to avoid the endline character)

Also also also, I wuv you :3


Scott_AW 13 years, 11 months ago

I like the minimal amount of space it takes up. If I hid my task bar it would be like a wall of net before me.