I'm super excited

Posted by Ferret on May 10, 2011, 4:27 p.m.

Let strength be granted so the world might be mended…

Dark Souls is the sequel to my favorite game of all time, Demon's Souls, and I'm going nuts wanting to play this. Why is Demon's Souls my favorite game of all time? Well I could go on forever about that, but I think the main aspects I love the most are just the simple gameplay mechanics (where if you die, no matter how cruel it was, it's still your fault and can be avoided and learned from), the super deep weapon upgrade and collection system (upgrading requires item that you can only find once per play through, so choose wisely), and the integration of multiplayer and single player is my favorite of all. When you play with other people, whether it be cooperative or pvp, it never breaks away with menus or anything that would make it feel gamey. 21,865::62

And about the pvp, it's really the core feature that makes me love this game so much. Basically players in soul form (means they died) can decide to use a stone that will allow them to invade another person's game who is currently in their human form. While there, the invader will hunt you down, and if they succeed at killing you, they get to take back their human form while you (the person invaded) loses all their souls (main commodity), returns to soul form, and has to start the level over again.

You really have to take my word for it here, but the pvp is seriously the most memorable moment in gaming I can think of. When you read a message "<username> has just invaded your world" the pit of your stomach twists, your hearts beats as if you were running for a mile, your number of breaths drop to the minimum amount, and all you can do is wander around the level trying to find where the invader is, only to pray that you find them before they find you. No other game gets me like this, it's seriously a once in a life time experience.

If you see this game and own a ps3, pick it up. You won't be disappointed.

(For you critic loyalists, it got game of the year in 2009 on gamespot.com)

Oh and to all you 360 kiddies, the sequel is also coming to the xbox, so everyone can enjoy the butt-rapage ;)


Quietus 13 years, 5 months ago

ah ps3 *shakes fist* i had to sell my 360 a while back, i don't know when i'll have the money for another one.

still, looks really awesome.

The Avatrol 13 years, 5 months ago

Wow, this looks wicked cool. Wish I had a ps3…

JID 13 years, 5 months ago

Lol at the top rated comment on the youtube vid. XD

The game looks cool and the fact that it's coming to the 360 makes me want to purchase it on day one.

Extravisual 13 years, 5 months ago

I played Demon's Souls. It was awful.

S3xySeele 13 years, 5 months ago

I played Demon's Souls. I was awful.

Fixed your typo there.

Even though I too was awful at Demon's Souls, I'm looking forward to Dark Souls. It's looking quite badass.

Undeadragons 13 years, 5 months ago

I never got around to getting Demon's Souls, I might pick up a copy sometime.

I read the wiki entry for Dark Souls, it says it will be 'significantly harder', given that Demon's Souls was known for being torturously difficult, that is a somewhat scary concept.

Ferret 13 years, 5 months ago

I played Demon's Souls. I was awful.
Heh that's usually the case, this game is has a rare occasion of having the first level being the most difficult for people. But it's the deeper you dig into it the more you find, it's not just world exploration but it's also a kind of game exploration. It doesn't immediately announce all of it's features and options to the player, you have to find it yourself and then use it to your advantage (or disadvantage).

The Avatrol 13 years, 5 months ago

Games used to be challenging. I miss those days…