Psh, I may not be a cool cat like FirestormX, but I still want to meet some 64Digitiers and hang out with them.
So this is what's going down:
I'm transferring colleges, so I'm leaving crappy Los Angeles and heading up north in my white Honda 99 CR-V. It will be some time in the early to middle part of August, more details later. It's an 8 hour drive (6 hours when I drive d:) and I think this trip would be much more exciting if I got to meet some awesome 64Digitiers. Cyrus is on the way, and I'm going to meet up with him once again whether he likes it or not regardless. But why should Cyrus and I have all the fun?
So far, these are the Californians I know about:
-LAR Games
-Twisterghost (summer)
If you live anywhere in California, just say so! I don't mind going off course at all, in fact, that's exactly what I want to do. So speak up!
32,147Also, I'd like to have as many 64Digities with me at once as possible, so if you want to jump aboard and ride with me to see everyone else, or just all meet up in some town, that would be awesome! The bigger the group the better!So, let me know where you guys are, and how we should meet up :D
Lol.Nothing.[furry] is a noob.
I'd be up for a meetup of some sort. Coincidentally, I drove from Los Angeles to San Francisco today.
Just PM me closer to the day…. I don't tend to check back to threads after I post in them and I receive no notification when someone replies so…. yeah.