Not Ded

Posted by Ferret on Oct. 1, 2015, 11:46 p.m.

So this is the slowest I have ever seen this site.

Bad times ahead I suppose.

I suppose for most people they're in similar situations as I am and are too busy with school. This year in particular is going to be really rough for me at least.

Anyways, stay strong 64Digits, we've been through worse.


Jani_Nykanen 9 years, 3 months ago

We all know Episode III is the latest movie in Star Wars saga, but I can prove that it's actually Episode VI:

- People who don't know Star Wars think that Episode VI is the newest one since it has the biggest number

- People who love Star Wars want to think that episodes I-III were never made, so for them Episode VI is the latest movie

Other people we can ignore.

Phoebii 9 years, 3 months ago

- People who never watched Star Wars (By people I mean me and that other guy) have no idea what are you talking about.

panzercretin 9 years, 3 months ago

what do you call a hot dog going through an existential crisis?

a thought dog.

what do you call a hot dog covered in big dots?

a spot dog.

what do you call a hot dog that fel from the sky into your hands?

a caught dog.

i am so, so sorry.

Jani_Nykanen 9 years, 3 months ago

For some reason I find this both scary and fascinating:

Moikle 9 years, 3 months ago

that other guy

she's a girl, not a guy, and I am going to show her soon so we can watch the new one when it comes.

Alert Games 9 years, 3 months ago

Quote: Jani
For some reason I find this both scary and fascinating:

DesertFox 9 years, 3 months ago

@Jani - Excellent article!

Jani_Nykanen 9 years, 3 months ago

Another interesting site, this time it's a personality disorders test:

Too bad there were some questions I didn't understand correctly so I might have to do the test again to get more reliable results (I'm not going to share what I get the first time).

Cpsgames 9 years, 3 months ago

It seemed somewhat accurate for me. But not really.

Jani_Nykanen 9 years, 3 months ago

I made a friend of mine and my sister make that test, and… it wasn't very accurate. The test said that we all are narcissistic (40% or more) and antisocial. Sure, I am a bit antisocial, but not my sister, she is very social. And I can say for sure we aren't narcissistic.

"Narcissistic? Other people are narcissistic, not me!"