Left 4 Dead impressions

Posted by Firebird on Nov. 7, 2008, 10:48 p.m.


So, Left 4 Dead. I was pretty skeptical about this game since I remember seeing ads all over de_dust as long as I can remember, but since it was being hailed as the second coming if John Carmack himself, coupled with a hefty $50 price tag ($44.99 if you pre-order now on steam) by both console gamers and uhhh… yeah console gamers. I guess they liked the Orange Box.


The verdict: It's not. Definitely not worth $50, and depending on how much your currency trades at, not worth $75.

It is a very fun game though. I jumped in to single player first to learn the ropes, and good thing that it was only to learn the ropes. It's a shit boring game in single player. Left 4 Dead really shines online though, and especially with friends.


The magical levitating powers of L0ken

The gameplay is streamlined so you won't have a problem having fun online. The health system is great, and all of the guns are well balanced, so it's really up to you how you want to play. Molotovs and pipe bombs are few and far between, but when you get them, they can turn the tide of a fight against the undead. I kinda wish there were more of them, since it would fit with the game's intense style.


It runs like any other Valve game to date: great. If you can run Half-Life 2, you can run this. I maxed it with no problem on my rig from late 2006 (E6600, 2GB PC2-6400, G80 8800GTS 640). It ran so well that I didn't even bother to check the framerate.

On my computer though, it suffers from severe stuttering problems. Sometimes it freezes up every few moments, but other times it runs free of any stutters for a long time (fyi: it's not lag). I'm guessing this is just a bug that only affects a small amount of people, and it'll be ironed out soon enough.


The PC version has no server browser, dropped in favour of some stupid XBL-style matchmaking system. More than once I found myself shooting the laggy undead with comrades from Hawaii or some other location that isn't Australia. I eventually gave up on the system and found a way to open the server browser. Getting into a good game with the server browser is much easier, even if matchmaking does look good on paper. (tip: open the console and type openserverbrowser)


Left 4 Dead is a great multiplayer shooter, fast paced, action-packed, etc. etc. I personally found anything below Expert difficulty too easy, but my votes to change the difficulty settings on many servers were shot down. I guess I'm already settling into the 'guy who always gets #1 on the server' archetype again.



Grand-High Gamer 16 years, 3 months ago

I'm not on any of the screenies :(

Personally it easy, even taking into account it being the first two levels. That might just be because of it being a demo I suppose, the same with matchmaking.

The one thing with Expert is that the AI Director starts doing dick moves like spawning all five boss monsters and a horde of zombies… in a corridor.

While occasional boosts in diffculty are needed, suddenly zerg-rushing the survivor team is annoying, albiet also hilarious.

As for your lag, check if Frame Sync is on, it sets it by default.

PY 16 years, 3 months ago


Firebird 16 years, 3 months ago

The monitor bit you thew out by saying for me to stop crying about dial up? You made assumptions, then flamed on one of the two.

I'm going to start making six or seven assumptions, followed immediately by flaming on one of the six assumptions, then when they retaliate, I'll make sure the point out one of the other assumptions I made that best fits.

Thank you for providing me with a shotgun method of flaming.

gahaha, I guess you didn't read the other comment as well. It's a good idea to read things when you start arguing, but throwing a temper tantrum like you are now and just blindly saying shit that doesn't even make sense is not.

There's only two possibilities that you would not like the images: you get page stretch for having a low resolution (hence the monitor 'assumption') and having dialup. I fail to see where I have arbitrarily made something up.

On the flaming, I flamed because you're an arrogant fuck. Actually I would call it self-defence because all you do is walk around waving your dick and saying 'Suck it.'.

As much as I hate to bring real life into this, your attitude is going to cause some real stir if you do this to people in real life. 'Hey, I can't see the movie screen. Move your head. NOW.'. And then when they tell you to chill out you'll probably chuck a spazz you crazy little man.

@GHG, I'm not a stupid. It's actually called vsync btw.

Cesar 16 years, 3 months ago

There could be plenty of other reasons I do not wish the images to be displayed in their splendor, perhaps the images are offensive to me, I might highly prefer text to pictures, I might have an inconvenience because I have to scroll with tab or something. Whatever the reason, you don't go assuming and then blast about it. Or you'll be, as you've stated, an arrogant fuck.

And do not confuse real life with the internet. Everyone here is wearing a mask that is completely opaque. For all I know, desertfox could be a complete asshole in real life, while he's a very peaceful person online. The opposite can also be true.

PY 16 years, 3 months ago

News Just In: RawrSpoon finds left4dead offensive.

Firebird 16 years, 3 months ago

I said before, there are 2 possibilities. I covered both of them.

And if Left 4 Dead is offensive to you, why click on the blog with 'Left 4 Dead' in the title. Context, my good man, context.

Look, just stop 'arguing' with my. You'll save face.

Now (gahahaha see what I did there?).

Juju 16 years, 3 months ago

Oh shaddap you two.

Grand-High Gamer 16 years, 3 months ago

1. I forgot the name

2. Most games are smart enough to start with laggy features like AA and vsync turned off. Assuming that to be the case wouldnt make you stupid.

Cesar 16 years, 3 months ago

It's not offensive to me, I was giving examples.

And that last comment wasn't an argument. Or were you selectively reading?

P.S. A period makes it more effective, so start using it

Now. (c wut i did thar?)

Arcalyth 16 years, 3 months ago

both of you are faggots and need to get your dicks out of whatever your dicks are in

insert more blasphemy here about not complaining or warns/bans/etc

come on guys, I know you're both more mature than that. stop it.