Posted by Firebird on May 19, 2006, 10:22 p.m.

!em fo tuo ti teg reven lluoY !AH !si ti tahw wonk tnod uoy teb I !GAT TERCES GMO

*!llet tnod ,gat eht swonk ohw enoyna dnA .23ekirtSwodahS dnA .997bob dnA .20ecA dnA .llew sa XSF ,uoy rof seog tahT .enoyna llet tnod ,eeleM*

!LIVE !tahc D46 ni em dnif ot evah ot gniog era uoy sseug I neht ,si gat terces eht tahw tuo dnif ot tnaw uoy fI !GAT TERCES eht detalumrof ew dna yadot retsaM-eeleM dna 997bob htiw gnittahc saw I


My new website template is coming along quite nicely. Thanks goes out to ss32 for helping me realise that retarded CSS really is retarded.

Unlike tables.

Other than that, I have decided to make a new game! YAY!


Firebird 18 years, 9 months ago

The secret tag works!

It does!

I proved it!