Man, that would be weird. Lots of enigma machines WITHIN each other. That would be CRAZY!
Anyway, I saw other people's desktop and such and how they were so SNAZZY because they were WINDOWS XP. Well, I have WINDOWS 2000 (And a few flavours of linux running on my machines, and Mac OS 9 [:(]). I thought you couldn't skin Windows 2000. But, then I did a little digging and now my OS is now skinned with DogmaX.I also got Battlefield 2 the other day. A little late, but meh.I don't think I have anything else to blog about… umm…Platformed is cool.Keep leet!P.S. Melee, please don't edit this blog.An enigma wrapped within another enigma and another.
Posted by Firebird on June 17, 2006, 12:56 a.m.
I hate the windows XP scheme, thats why I use a darkly modified windows classic :D.
Yeah. I hate the XP luna skin. But I also hate the classic windows skin. So I use DogmaX!
If you were smart, you would have not told me to not edit your blog… I am very tempted to edit.
I know I was pointing out to you that you shouldnt edit it, and then you would edit it.
It was BAIT! For I dunno, but whatever.Anyway, DON'T GIVE IN TO THE DARK SIDE!Heheh, XP looks too kid-friendly.
Vista theme is awesome.Let's see a screeny then :D. Heh, you don't have to, I just like seeing other people's desktops.
I use the silver skin for Windows XP. It's at least better than the blue and the olive skins. I think Vista looks awesome.