Organelles, Invisible Wars and Holidays

Posted by Firebird on Sept. 12, 2006, 4:32 a.m.

Argh, I've got this science project and it's due tomorrow. It's about… cells. My model is some ink jet transparencies put together, like a cross-section. Meh, it'll do.

I've also got to write a speceh on the Nucleolus, but that shouldn't be too hard.

I finished Deus Ex: Invisible War the other night, which explains why I've been away (kinda). It's short, and has it's drawbacks (Bad AI. I can shoot a guy and he'll just stay there, waiting for another shot), but it's great. The cloak and thermo cloak mods are the best. I get to sneak around places with armored Templars (They take like 3 direct hits from the rocket launcher to die. They're so annoying) and mounted turrets/bots. 'Tis awesomeness in a bottle.

The holidays are coming up real soon for me. Unfortunatley for most of you, yours end quite soon. Well, I'll laugh while you're all at school. Or not. Whatever.

Got to go print off the fourth transparency now, byes!

Keep L337,

Firebird out!



Tyranic-Moron 18 years, 5 months ago

I might have to get Invisible War :P

Heh, I went back to COLLEGE last week :)

P.S: College rocks :D

marbs 18 years, 5 months ago

I went back to school last wednseday.