Holidays! And lots of images.

Posted by Firebird on Sept. 16, 2006, 3:25 a.m.

Woo! The holidays have begun! Two (Yeah, I know it's short. My Christmas break is huge though) weeks of no school! Finally. I thought that term would never end.

I've been doing some blog breakage stuff, as you can see in the blog below. Feel free to try and break the comments in the blog as well.

New banner! I used Apophysis to get the render in it. Looks cool, eh?

I haven't worked on LiCMS in ages now. I think I'll code the rest of it this holidays.

Now, since I've got no other content, I'll just dump some of my files here.

^ That one might freak you out, with the skull thing. But it's awesome.

I'm actually not Canadian.


Az 18 years, 5 months ago

O_o images. That N N00bs should be on the homepage, on the forum, everywhere!

fprefect111 18 years, 5 months ago

I like your new banner, looks nice.:)

Firebird 18 years, 5 months ago

Thanks. ^_^