
Posted by FireflyX on Feb. 4, 2007, 5:52 a.m.

erm… this blog is so random that i can't think of a title for it and i've already used random blog as my last blog title.

Slightly funny thing

I found this and although it's not that funny i thought it was appropriate for a blog.


cool i have a badge for 6 friends but i have no idea who actually added me to their favorite users list. If you have put me on your list or seen me on someone elses please tell me.

Anyway it's my new friends badge: Awarded for having no friends. It's a combination of the friends badge and the banned badge.

Also there should be a badge for beating all the bbq games and here it is

May i just ask what this for?

If i had my own badge to give to those who impressed me it would look like this

Any way that was one random blog thankyou for reading.


marbs 18 years ago

<img src=""> is the mystery solver badge. People used to do some sort of "mystery" thing, and then whoever solved it got the badge.

s 18 years ago

I agree with the BBQ+ badge