Anyway i'm making progress with my website and there are certain people who have expressed interest in becoming a staff member. If you want to be staff for the site please leave a comment in this blog and i will add you to the below list.
Current StaffThe following people have already been accepted as staff members.64digiters:Firefly-WebmasterMasterkavar-Head ModeratorBunnehman-ModeratorAmerup-AdminBaziiboi-Adminnon 64d members:Tim-ModeratorPossible StaffThe following people are being considered as staff members.64digiters:Serprex-ModeratorKilin-AdminRoyalsmacketh-ModeratorMillar3k-ModeratorXxypher-ModeratorJaxx-AdminOver_mars-Moderatornon 64d members:noneIf you wish to be either added or taken off the list please comment on this blog or pm me. You can also contact me via email People on the possible staff list are not yet staff but people who i am considering.Things that would help my decision:1) You are a good member of 64d2) You have past experience3) You add me to your favorite users
Hes banned.
AGAINwhat's he banned for?