yep another exciting entry by Firefly. Let's see if i can have one blog without someone saying something offensive about me!
The giant chocolate bunny that i mentioned in my last blog is almost fully eaten. I think i'm going to barf now though. Oh and our classic videogame character, sonic has become a drug addict (according to Jaxx).Oh and i meant to ask this a while ago: What do you all think of my avatar that i drew? Is it a plane or does it look like a jetpack or maybe it could possibly be a Firefly!! No really somebody told me it looks like a Jetpack! Anyway you decide.I am now being delayed on the making of my site because i have been challenged by 3 people to make a better Twisternet site than them!-Thanks for reading. Oh and any offensive comments will be instantly reported because i'm sick of the abuse i get from certain members of this site!!P.S How easter eggs are made:
I've lost the taste for chocolate during the past few year
You plan on reporting offensive posts from mods?F-
F stands for Firefly(and Failure(all in good fun(right?)))
yeh i suppose. WHY THE HELL IS THIS TAGGED!!!
If you learned to read,you'd notice they mention a 1blog per day limit
I normally catch 2xBlogs…guess I cut this day in half cuz it was filled with so much crapIT'S THE NEXT DAY IN MY COUNTRY THOUGH!!!!!
oh right server day. I stand corrected.
What the hell?! That is a messed up pic.
yep it sure is