[FF] Stuff

Posted by FireflyX on Sept. 11, 2007, 1:26 p.m.

Hello again members of 64digits. I'm just going to write a blog about random stuff because… i haven't blogged for a while.


So yeh i go to college now which is something i never expected to happen and i hate it so much!! I ended up there after applying for over 10 places and having no luck at all. Employers only look for people who are talkative and social they couldn't give a fuck about your skills or achievements. Would you believe that i actually got turned down from one place because my grades were too high!! Reason being because the government pay them to take on retards so they don't end up on the streets.. oh yes i wish i was a fuckin retard they've got a pretty easy life if you ask me they don't study then end up with jobs because the government says people have to employ them but they don't tell anyone they have to employ people who've done well through life.. oh no!!! Only good thing about going to that college is that i went straight to level 3 so i'm the youngest on the course :o and already we've had a shit load of work and i have to write a 3 page assignment by thursday FUCK YOU COLLEGE!!!


So as most of you have probably noticed Arcalyth decided to put some shitty blurred preview of V3 where you couldn't even see anything anyway. I do commend OL, Smaksack, marbs and whoever else unblurred it a bit for attempting to show the staff that they're not so clever after all!!! They think that V3 is like the most exciting thing in our lives at the moment but guess what i for one don't give a shit that the 64digits staff have taken about a year to rearrange some stuff and stick a new template on!! I actually have a life!!!!!

And something i suggest for V3: Take out that stupid pointless W.I.P section! THe site has a database full of half finished games, why exactly? If you are so desperate to show your game to people then i suggest posting a link in your blog rather than filling the site up with more unfinished games than finished!

And a note to all those submitting content: STOP HAVING YOR PREVIEW IMAGE AS A SCREENSHOT!!! I think the staff should remove the image if people do that especially when that's the ONLY screenshot!!


Progress wit my site is extreamly slow at the moment because i guess i just got other things to do but i will finish it don't worry (not that anyone is worried) Oh and will people stop making stupid remarks like "that's a 64digits clone" or "you just copied off 64digits" YES it is a freakin 64digits clone because the whole point in making it was to prove to myself that i can make a site like this. And we all do it. Marbs has one, millar is making one and SY did have one.


Do not answer these questions without commenting on my blog, k?

1) What do think about college/school?

2) How do you feel about the dumbass blurred screenie?

3) Are you excited about V3?

4) Do you think submitting W.I.Ps is stupid?

Thanks for reading and sorry for my bad mood today but i'm just so pissed with life!


eagly 17 years, 5 months ago

yes i wish i was a fuckin retard they've got a pretty easy life
Oh, because being disabled or incapacitated in some way is SUCH great fun. Grow up, mate.

And yes, please unformat your title.

FireflyX 17 years, 5 months ago

No title formatting.
Yeh i changed that i thought i could sneak 2 bold letters in there.

Oh, because being disabled or incapacitated in some way is SUCH great fun. Grow up, mate.
Sy is right sorry it seemed like i was mocking disabled people.

panzercretin 17 years, 5 months ago

@Questions: you know the answers already…..

FireflyX 17 years, 5 months ago

hmm.. i wonder what they are.

s 17 years, 5 months ago

We have a blog section,cleaned so to make blogs scroll down soon enough.You said WIPs are half finished…many of them have not even reached that

That would also give the frontpage more space for games that are completed and examples

Your site is such a clone it makes me want to kill you while you cry about being too smart to get a job and thus being forced to go through a higher level of learning work(How much is it just boring work,btw?)

mazimadu 17 years, 5 months ago

I have never heard you so angry. Sweet.

College is boring. I said that a while ago in my blog (the fake suicidal blog you "saved me from"). The thing is if you try and find anything fun about it, people, friends, activities etc, Stick with it. If you get bored your grades will drop cos they just don't care.

As for work, it sucks. The system is screwed to the core. Recently, international students (myself included) can only get jobs in one part of the school (as a tutor) and jobs are limited. And the job ethic is just a load of bullshit. I called the college fridge distributor for my fridge information and the lady at the receiving end had the nerve to tell me she has no computer to access(which is different from having no computer at all) cos she the guys who do are not around. And this is an online business? How can you work in a business as customer support and have no idea how to use the computer as well as say (indirectly) you have no idea what goes on in the company? That is the highest level of stupidity I have seen in my life!! They should kill (sack) People like that but you know what , they can't! Why? There are over protective unions with so many bloody loopholes that you can't hold water in them. Bullshit.

As for the blurred screen. I have nothing much to say but, if it is worth hiding it better blow our minds away. If not we will spam your life out.

Also WIPs are not stupid. Just don't post alphas and tech demos.

Kenon 17 years, 5 months ago

Quote: FireFlyX
I do commend OL, Smaksack, marbs and whoever else unblurred it a bit for attempting to show the staff that they're not so clever after all!!!
They knew it was possible. But alas, they didn't take my advice of posing a screen of MusicLib v3….

FireflyX 17 years, 5 months ago

That would also give the frontpage more space for games that are completed and examples
At the moment 7/10 are wips. Also i'm not having wip section on my site at all.

Your site is such a clone it makes me want to kill you while you cry about being too smart to get a job and thus being forced to go through a higher level of learning work(How much is it just boring work,btw?)
My plan is to start off with a 64digits clone then make a V2 which will have a completely different layout, features etc. Sorry you feel so strongly about me dying :( and yeh the whole concept of college is boring!

I have never heard you so angry. Sweet.
Glad to see my anger has amused someone :p

the fake suicidal blog you "saved me from"
haha yeh i seen your blog and thought man that guy seems pissed i better say somthing XD

They knew it was possible. But alas, they didn't take my advice of posing a screen of MusicLib v3….
ooh i never knew there was going to be a musiclib v3 :o

Graydon 17 years, 5 months ago

I didn't even know there was a musiclib V2.

Arcalyth 17 years, 5 months ago

1) School is tiring.

2) Everyone hates me for it, what the fuck do you think?

3) No. No one gives a shit about it and the other devs are pissed at me for the screenshot.

4) No.

Thanks for yelling at us, asshole. I hope you burn in hell.