Firefly stuff

Posted by FireflyX on Nov. 24, 2007, 2:38 p.m.

After writing this blog i will no longer have 64 blogs which is sad :( but i can't not blog forever.. well i could but you would all miss me :D So anyway here's my 65th blog:

Friends Badge

The new friends badge is now up and i must say i didn't think that one would go with the other badges at all i mean it's a nice badge but i didn't think it would match compared to the others. Anyway now that i see it along with my others it doesn't look that misfitting i suppose and there was worse ones that could have won. Oh and my entry was the rings if anyone was wondering who created them.


My site very few people give a shit about is down while i fix all the bugs and improve the design. I decided to go for a black and red theme which is looking sexy in my opinion so far. I also have a suggestion for 64digits: Make bbcode for embedding videos and music. I did that on my site and people like being able to put videos and music in their blogs. It would be pretty goo here don't ya think? But i haven't worked on my site much since i've been doing other things like making a login system for amerups site and working on my YYG comp entry.


One time when TG was 7 he peed on his moms leg because the dog was sniffing his naked ass XD

YYG comp

For the rest of the night i'm going to be working on my entry for yoyos competition. I am not telling anyone anything about it apart from it's 3d. I have created a pretty decent looking world and i'm making some characters using anim8or. Thing is.. I have no idea if models made on anim8or can be used in a GM game and if they can will they still be animated? I'm pretty sure they can be used in GM because i've heard people talking about using anim8or models in their games but do they need to be converted or something first? Oh fuck i really have no idea :p help me out someone.


Well, well christmas is just around the corner and it looks like i'll actually get to spend it on 64d this year. For those who weren't aware i was banned from this site last year from november till february so i missed out on all the christmas joy here :( anyway i was thinking of doing a flash banner for the this site but sadly i haven't got the time.

Well that is all for now thanks for reading and so long 64 blog entries :(


Castypher 17 years, 3 months ago

Anyways, black and red together is really awesome.
Skull's avatar clearly displays that.

Convert your models with something like Marzipan. It's cancelled at the GMC for some reason, but it comes with the download of…

Some other model converter. Go to the GMC and do a search.

FireflyX 17 years, 3 months ago

@TDOT: I spent about a year scraping projects but this one i'm determined to finish.

@SD: What's confusing? XD

@Kilin: hmm..Marzipan? I'll search for it see what i find.

LoserHands 17 years, 3 months ago

I thought you weren't going to blog anymore, for a while.

FireflyX 17 years, 3 months ago

Nah i was just sad to write a blog because then my entries wouldn't be 64 :(

mazimadu 17 years, 3 months ago

you can use the raw an8 file using the u3d engine. Just make sure you put all the animations in one (and only one) sequence and nothing else

FireflyX 17 years, 3 months ago

Yeh 8 times XD

s 17 years, 2 months ago

Should really unban GG

FireflyX 17 years, 2 months ago