Wow 64D still exists

Posted by FireflyX on Feb. 22, 2021, 5:48 p.m.

So I came here because a memory of this site just suddenly popped into my head. I was fairly active here once (Last logged in 2010 by the looks of things). I was 19 then… now I'm 30. Oh where did the time go.

I'm not exactly sure what 64digits does now, I remember it as a GameMaker community. I might keep on eye on the site and see what happens. I have no idea whether anyone I knew will be active again or whether anyone will actually remember me.

Anyway hello again :)


Ferret 4 years ago

Hey-o! I remember you! So much time, I just turned thirty too, and it feels surreal. Love your bio on the side haha, nostalgia

Cpsgames 3 years, 11 months ago

I remember you of course, you taught me PHP!

Welcome back. Hope you're well. A lot of us frequent the Discord server.